Page 9 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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International university
collaborations with the RVC
Stepan Gzhytskyi University,
n June, the RVC signed a students, such as exchange opportunities
memorandum of understanding and research collaborations.
(MOU) with Stepan Gzhytskyi An initiative by Universities UK
IUniversity (SGU) in Ukraine and Charles Cormack Consulting,
to provide critical support to the this partnership is part of a wider scheme,
education and research institution endorsed by the UK Government and
during the war with Russia.
the Office of the President of Ukraine,
As part of the MOU, the RVC to provide significant and ongoing
and SGU aim to foster cooperation support and partnership between UK
and a long-term partnership between and Ukrainian universities and bolster
the institutions by first developing a the UK support for Ukraine.
framework to support the continuation More than 70 UK universities are taking
of SGU’s education and research part in the scheme but the RVC’s
capacity during wartime. The partnership partnership with SGU is the only ‘twinning’
will then consider developments post- which focuses on veterinary medicine.
war that would mutually benefit staff and
University of
Pennsylvania, USA
n January, the RVC – together of 2020, this new format offers the
with the University of Pennsylvania’s candidate an exclusive opportunity to
School of Veterinary Medicine and refine critical research skills and expand
IMARS Equestrian – launched an animal welfare knowledge while learning
international scholarship programme on location at both the RVC and Penn
aimed at advancing the health and Vet’s New Bolton Center in Pennsylvania.
welfare of horses, while providing an The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ’s MRes programme gives
unparalleled learning experience for students the chance to develop into
one aspiring veterinary investigator.
scientists who can work well across
Through its interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary teams, tackling problems
mentorship-based approach, the of practical relevance to veterinary and
MARS Equestrian Veterinary Research medical science. Many of the graduates
Scholar Programme offers the unique go on to work in some of the world’s
opportunity to conduct research leading scientific research institutes, as
alongside internationally-renowned well as within industry and government.
experts in equine health and veterinary The MARS Equestrian Veterinary
welfare while pursuing two advanced Research Scholar programme is open
credentials: the Graduate Certificate in to interested UK, US and international
Animal Welfare and Behavior at Penn candidates holding a veterinary
Vet during year one, followed by the degree (BVetMed/DVM/VMD/BVSc
Master of Research (MRes) programme or equivalent).
at the RVC in year two.
Building upon Penn Vet’s MARS
Equestrian Early Career Investigator
Programme launched in November