Page 6 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 6 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 6


        Hawkshead Campus developments

          t is exactly 100 years since the                                      from RG Carter (our contractors) are now
          idea of a rural RVC campus was                                        conducting final surveys and levelling
          first documented. While the proposal                                  the ground before creating an attractive,
       Ididn’t meet with much approval back                                     multi-purpose landscaped courtyard and
        in 1922, there was one supportive voice                                 electric vehicle charging zone.
        noted in the RVC’s committee minutes.                                   We have continued the green
        Sir Merrick Burrell, Chairman of the                                    theme elsewhere on the campus,
        Board of Governors was recorded                                         with the creation of a series of
        bemoaning the ‘‘lack of gardens, trees                                  wildflower mini-meadows. On the main
        and more spacious layouts’’ in the RVC   reported lost. As well as housing most   lawn and alongside TaRC we have now
        estate. It appears that the importance   of the scientists from the MCB, the   planted oxeye daisies, meadowsweet,
        placed on working environments and   project also delivered new research   cowslips and yarrow to support British
        well-being are really nothing new!  accommodation for our colleagues from   pollinator species. To provide shade
                                            the Clinical Investigation Centre, as well
        When Eclipse was published last                                         for our staff and students, and support
        autumn, we were gearing up to receive   as future accommodation for numerous   the local bird population, we have also
        the first stage of the construction   small-medium sized business partners.  planted two dozen new trees – field
        project – the new Centre for        It wasn’t all plain sailing. Offices next   maple, beech, pines and common oak –
        Vaccinology & Regenerative Medicine   to the unfinished atrium space were   which will improve our environment for
        (CVRM) along with the remodelled    more than a little chilly in the early   many years to come.
        Teaching and Research Centre (TaRC)   days, but with the roof and glazing now   With the TaRC/CVRM spaces fully
        areas. While we didn’t quite make it in   complete, it is a bright, modern and warm   operational, focus shifted to the launch
        time for Christmas, first thing in 2022   working environment.          of the new Student Learning Centre
        the movers came in and we packed    Once all staff were relocated, we   (SLC). This will deliver a range of ‘‘social
        up the remaining parts of the Main   were able to turn our attention to the   learning space’’ (informal student study
        Clinical Block (MCB) and populated   remains of the MCB. By June we had   areas), directed learning rooms, a
        the new offices and laboratories.
                                            removed all the asbestos from under   large capacity lecture theatre, a flexible
        In just under three days, we moved   the floors and sorted all the recyclable   interactive lecture theatre not to mention
        62 people, their IT equipment and   materials. By the end of August, we   a brand new library and a massive
        300 crates of books and research    had demolished the superstructure and   student teaching laboratory. As you
        records, and not a single item was   broken out the foundations. The team   read this we are starting to commission

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