Page 5 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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RVC regains top spot –
the World’s number one vet school
The vlogƵ
the strength
and breadth of
research with
the 2021
REF results
The vlogƵ maintained its an improved Citations metric which We celebrate 88%
position at the top of the QS World rose to a complete score of 100, of research being rated
University Subject Rankings for recognising the significant reach of
2022. This is the third time we have the RVC’s research. The institution’s as world-leading (4*) or
ranked first in the last four years. score for Employer Reputation has internationally excellent
more than doubled over the past seven
Compiled by global higher education years, with this year’s result reaching (3*), according to the
analysts, QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a commendable 80. 2021 Research Excellence
the rankings provide authoritative
comparative analysis on 14.7 million Stuart Reid said: “I am delighted Framework (REF) results.
unique papers, taken by students at with this outcome, most especially Read more in the Research section
1,543 universities in 161 locations because the QS rankings reflect on page 27.
around the world. recognition by our peers. Here in
the UK and internationally, veterinary
The rankings are determined by a science is competitive and collaborative,
range of criteria, including Academic a mix that delivers high standards and
Reputation, Research Impact, number to which the RVC contributes. To be
of Citations, Employer Reputation and judged first amongst equals is an
the H-index, which ranks the impact honour to which we aspire and, once
and quality of the work published by the again, value greatly.”
institution’s scientists and academics.
The full set of QS rankings can be found
The vlogƵ maintained its perfect at:
score of 100 for Academic Reputation
for a third year running. It also saw
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