Page 10 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 10
Enabling knowledge sharing in veterinary nursing
Perdi Welsh, Course Director
he RVC’s post registration CertAVN students as they completed the By recognising that the work that RVNs
courses in Advanced Veterinary final module of their course. do whilst undertaking post registration
Nursing have been creating a qualifications can help lead advances
Tculture of knowledge sharing Our GradDipVNs have left a publishing in VNÂ disciplines and the profession,
legacy! As early-career writers, this is no
over the past 14 years, by encouraging mean feat. Since the first intake in 2008, the RVC’s teaching team continue to
students to submit articles for publication there are now more than 46Â published encourage and empower their students
in peer reviewed Veterinary Nursing peer-reviewed journal articles arising to have the confidence to make their
(VN)Â journals. voices be heard, take on leadership roles
from the students’ coursework. The
The publication of coursework such as GradDipVNs demonstrated the and disseminate their work for the benefit
of others. The CertAVN fosters a culture
patient care reports, knowledge summaries willingness to put in the work to convert of continuing professional development,
and clinical audit reports in peer-reviewed their coursework into suitable formats for helping students embrace the possibility
journals plays a key role in getting publishing and have made themselves of publishing their work and giving them
RVNs started on their academic writing perfect role models and sources of the skills to overcome these challenges
careers and helps build a VN specific inspiration to our incoming CertAVNs and learn about the different ways to
knowledge base which is easily shared and and other veterinary nurses in clinical create and share their knowledge.
disseminated amongst VN colleagues. practice everywhere.
If you’re inspired, or know an RVN who
The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ’s GradDipVN course has The veterinary nursing profession is
now gone into retirement having been relatively new to the area of academic you think might be interested to know
replaced with the new suite of RCVS endeavour and research and there are more about our CertAVN courses,
accredited Certificates in Advanced a number of challenges associated visit
Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN) post with publishing scholarly and research Some of the GradDipVN and
registration courses. In July, whilst we activity. However, output of knowledge CertAVNÂ students and alumni tell us
said a very fond farewell to our final and research can be varied and come in about their experiences of studying
cohort of GradDipVNs and wished them the form of a range of research articles, on these courses.
well on their future careers, we were also case reports, knowledge summaries and
delighted to support our first cohort of clinical audit reports.