Page 14 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 14 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 14

The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ and the

        Royal Family

               he RVC was deeply            Duke of Edinburgh, The Duchess of
               saddened to record the death   Cornwall, now Queen Consort and   founding. On 16th April 1875 the
               of Her Majesty The Queen                                        College received its first Royal Charter
        Tin September. The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ has          Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal   from Queen Victoria. The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ became
                                            in her capacity as Vice Chancellor of the
        a long and valued relationship with   University of London.            part of the University of London in
        the Royal Family and here are just                                     1949 but retained its independence
        a few memories from our archives    The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ’s royal roots stretch as far back   with its own Royal Charter and in
        taking a look at those special      as 1875 and we hope this is something   1955 acquired a country estate in
        relationships, associations and visits   that will continue well into the future.  Hertfordshire to provide a new field
        we have been lucky enough to develop   The Veterinary College, London, was   station; today our modern and vibrant
        with family members.                                                   Hawkshead Campus.
                                            built in the parish of St Pancras in
        Our patronages for the RVC and its   1791, on the current site of the RVC’s   Over 230 years, the RVC has grown
        registered charity, the Animal Care   Camden Campus and in January 1792,   from a horse infirmary with a handful
        Trust, have included King George V,   four students began a three-year   of students to a world leading,
        HRH The Prince Henry – Duke of      course intended to cover all aspects   science-based institution, producing
        Gloucester (King George VI’s brother),   of the veterinary art. King George III   internationally-renowned veterinarians
        The Queen Mother, Prince Philip the   was monarch at the time of the RVC   and scientists.

         15th June 1932                      HRH Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince   HRH The Duchess of Cornwall officially
         His Majesty King George V (1910-1936)   Philip visit the RVC’s Hawkshead Campus   opens Phase 3 of the Queen Mother
         was Patron of the College in 1932   to officially open the Large Animal Clinical   Hospital for Animals at Hawkshead
                                             Centre and Eclipse Building (Learning   Campus in 2008
                                             Resource Centre) in 2003

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