Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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New Vice Principal for Research and
Innovation to continue scientific excellence
Professor Pybus joined the RVC from The vlogƵ has an outstanding track
the University of Oxford where he has record in research, with some 80
enjoyed a distinguished career as Professor per cent of its output rated as world-
of Evolution and Infectious Disease at leading or internationally excellent.
the Department for Zoology, as well as This appointment will further develop
Professorial Fellow of New College, Oxford. the RVC’s academic and research
reputation and progress research and
In recognition of his research over the
years, Professor Pybus has been awarded innovation capabilities, utilising its
the Scientific Medal of the Zoological London BioScience Innovation Centre
and expansive network of industry
The vlogƵ was delighted that Society of London in 2009, the Daiwa partners and collaborations. This will
Adrian Prize in 2010, and the Mary Lyon
Professor Oliver Pybus was Medal of the Genetics Society in 2019. help drive research excellence to
appointed to the position of Professor Pybus has bought his scientific maintain the RVC’s position as the
first-placed organisation in the QS
Vice Principal for Research skills and high-level advisory experience to world veterinary subject rankings and
the RVC, together with his awareness of
and Innovation and took up the animal health sector as the institution raise the profile of its research and
knowledge exchange globally.
his role in March 2022. embarks on its new five-year strategic plan.
Celebrating LGBT+ History Month
n the United States, Canada, and • At the beginning of February, project on social media, where
Australia, LGBT+ History Month is we raised the Pride flag on both staff and students could interpret
celebrated in October to coincide campuses, with a ceremony at the the brief as they wish and
Iwith National Coming Out Day on flagpole conducted by our Chaplain submit photos with the hashtag
11 October and to commemorate and Interfaith Advisor, Revd. Andy #RVCSUrainbow. They also held
the first and second marches on Marshall, and poetry readings by a pub quiz, with LGBT+ History
Washington in 1979 and 1987 for students and staff. The flag flew Month-related questions.
LGBT rights. In the UK, LGBT+ History with the RVC standard for the • The student LGBT+ Society held
Month is observed during February and full month of February, serving as a screening of the film Pride, and
coincides with a major celebration of a public reminder that the RVC also collaborated with the Students’
the 2003 abolition of Section 28. continually strives to be a safe and Union to place a message tree at
This year’s theme is ‘the arc is long’ inclusive space. Camden Campus, that students and
and is inspired by a Martin Luther • Revd. Andy Marshall, together staff can add their own experiences
King quote: with colleagues in the Learning or messages of support too.
“The arc of the moral and Wellbeing department: Paula
Mann, Veronica Brewster and
universe is long, but it Brian Cox, organised a community
bends towards justice.” photo montage. They asked staff
and students to submit photos
It is a reminder to us that there is more of themselves in celebration
to do, it also serves as a reminder that of LGBT+ history month and
we move gradually towards justice and superimposed these on a photo of
equality. It is an opportunity to look not fabric in the colours of the progress
only at the work ahead of us, but also Pride flag, to create a virtual
at what has been accomplished. community celebration.
This year, the RVC’s staff and students • The Students’ Union arranged
marked LGBT+ History Month in a a diversity and rainbow themed
number of ways: