Page 13 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 13
Dr Christine Thuranira-McKeever –
Vice Principal for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
The vlogƵ was delighted to initiatives, creating new ones and
announce the appointment initiating new policies and collaboration
across the RVC.
of Dr Christine Thuranira- Reflecting on the early months of her
McKeever as Vice Principal appointment, Christine says:
for Equality, Diversity and “I’m delighted to be taking on this role and
Inclusion (EDI), taking up building on the important work already
taking place across the RVC to promote
the post from 1st May. equity, diversity and inclusion. We cannot
underestimate importance of these
The creation of this senior position was values as the foundation upon which we
the first and priority recommendation undertake our mission; they are critical
of the Racial Equality Task Group to our success as a global institution,
chaired by Professor Dan Chan, and and we must champion them in all our
the role will further strengthen the activities and continually consider and
RVC’s commitment to promoting and challenge approaches and practices.
enhancing an inclusive environment.
Over the last few months as I’ve been
Christine joined the RVC in 2008 as settling in to the new role and beginning
the Director of Distance Learning and the work of developing the strategic
in addition to this role, she has had direction for EDI in the RVC, it has it has
sustained involvement in EDI work at been heartening to see the EDI agenda
the RVC. With significant experience remaining vibrant and busy with various
in this area, Christine has been involved activities going on:
in different aspects of EDI, including
chairing its first Athena SWAN self- In July, we submitted our application
assessment team, achieving bronze for the renewal of our Athena SWAN
status. Athena SWAN is a national Bronze award. The submission was
charter mark that recognises the the culmination of months of College-
advancement of gender equality in wide consultation, data collection
higher education. She became the Chair and analyses, and developing a
of the Equality and Diversity Committee renewed action plan – work that was
in 2020; this group has College-wide led by two co-chairs – Dr. Sharon tailoring the way we work so as to be
representation and is charged with the Kendall and Dr. Nicola Menzies-Gow, more inclusive of this community.
strategic leadership for EDI across with the support of a dynamic self-
the institution. assessment team comprising members At the time of writing, we are celebrating
of staff and student representation. We Black History Month with a series of events
In pursuing its mission to educate, look forward to a successful outcome to showcase the invaluable contributions,
undertake research and provide clinical when the results are announced before experiences and heritage of our black
care, the RVC is committed to creating the end of 2022. community. The events include a catalogue
an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming of events that are going in RVC, in and
community, where professionalism, To better support our LGBTQ+ around London and virtually, resources
mutual respect and collegiality are at community and progress our policies in for students and staff, invited keynote
the core of all activities. This new senior this area, the RVC became a member of speakers, and film screening.
position will further enhance the visibility Stonewall in August. Stonewall is one
of EDI across the RVC, with Christine of the UK’s foremost charities for the This is but a snapshot. There are ongoing
taking on strategic leadership for the LGBTQ+ community, founded in 1989 College-wide conversations, challenges,
development and implementation of a and currently working with over 900 working groups, action plans, reports, new
strategy relating to all aspects of EDI organisations, including higher education policies – all work that we are continually
to advance the institution’s work and institutions. Membership to Stonewall will undertaking to honour our commitment to
support all staff and students. In addition provide the RVC with advice, support, having an inclusive, diverse and welcoming
to enhancing visibility, Christine is and resources to engage better with community that is built on the values of
looking forward to progressing existing our LGBTQ+ community by effectively equity, diversity and inclusion.”
understanding their experience and