Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 8


        sustainability update

              he Environmental Sustainability   WASTE
              team works hard across the    Over four tonnes of furniture from office
              RVC to implement positive     moves have been reused or donated to
        Tchanges. Projects range from       local schools and charities. If you are
        the construction work at Hawkshead,   affiliated with an organisation who could
        planting wild flowers on campus, working   make use of furniture and stationery,
        with students in halls and with external   please email
        bodies (such as the Wildlife Trust).
                                            We are holding a halls of residence
        ENERGY                              clear-out, with a food bank collection
        The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ has committed to be net     for both the Trussell Trust and RVC
        zero by 2040 and we are developing   students, and other items taken to the
        plans to bring this forward. We recently   RVC’s Freecycle Room for staff and
        completed a study to decarbonise our   students to use. You can read more
        heating by using air source heat pumps   about our Freecycle Room on page 73.
        and photovoltaic panels.            We are taking part in the Ellen
        The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ purchases 100% renewable    MacArthur Circular Economy study
        electricity. We also have our own   to explore ways to reduce food waste
        renewable energy, with a ground source   and maximise locally sourced food   the cement. Natural ventilation has
        heat pump, solar thermal panels on   opportunities. Our chefs are looking   been used wherever possible. The
        the Sports and Wellbeing Centre and   at ways to reuse food, including using   building has been designed with a
        student accommodation, and air source   left over vegetables for soups and fruit   high thermal mass to reduce the need
        heat pumps at Hawkshead.            peelings to make flavoured water.   for electricity for cooling. Free cooling

        BIODIVERSITY                        CONSTRUCTION                        is used overnight, using the exposed
                                                                                thermal mass. All floor coverings were
        We are updating our Biodiversity    As part of the creation of the new   manufactured using 100% renewable
        Action Plan in conjunction with the   Teaching and Research Centre      energy. The carpet tiles contain at least
        Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife   extension, several sustainability ideas   60% recycled content.
        Trust to ensure everything we do has a   were implemented. Renewable energy
        positive impact on biodiversity. This year   in the form of air source heat pumps   TRAVEL
        we planted six hectares of wild flowers,   have been used. Heat pumps use   A scheme has been approved to
        achieved bronze in the Hedgehog-    warm air from outside to heat the   introduce an electric vehicle salary
        Friendly Campus accreditation and took   space and even work when it’s cold.   sacrifice scheme for staff and we plan
        part in Let it Bloom June.          They are very efficient – for every kWh   to increase the number of charge
                                            of electricity used they produce three
        The Student Halls Ambassador role   to four kWh of heat. The building has   points. We are working closely with
        includes sustainability champion tasks   energy monitoring, so we can see   Hertfordshire Country Council to
        in preparation for our halls of residence   usage and reduce consumption.   provide and upgrade cycleways linking
        competition, which is to see who can                                    Hawkshead with Potters Bar station.
        recycle the most, save the most energy   A life cycle assessment of the   Find out more about the ongoing
        and use the least water.            embodied carbon was undertaken      work of the RVC’s Environmental
                                            prior to construction to provide advice   Sustainability team at
                                            on reducing the building’s carbon
                                            impact. Recommendations were made   environmental-sustainability
                                            for less carbon intensive materials,
                                            including using recycled material in

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