Page 4 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
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President & Principal's Welcome
It is a pleasure
In the pages that follow, you will
Photo: Veterinary Record, Mark Thomas to bring you find evidence of our continuing Contents
this most recent
efforts in pursuit of excellence
and impact. With stories ranging
edition of
from our #1 global QS ranking
Eclipse as we
to our Research Excellence
all adapt to a
Framework results, from our
rather changed
world but one
in which we
team successes, and from our
President & Principal’s
are once again individual achievements to our Graduation 2022 2
fundamental science to our
back together! I hope the stories and advances in clinical care, there is Welcome 4
pictures of life at the RVC during something for everyone. General News 6
these last 12 months bring a flavour
of just how good it is to be fully back The recent launch of our new Clinical News 16
on our campuses and active once Strategic Plan sets our future Research News 20
more on the global stage. ambition but always against the
backdrop of the inheritance we Student News 28
Besides witnessing the joy of enjoy from those who walked this RVC Clothing and Gifts 38
bustling corridors, labs and teaching way before us. Ever mindful that we
spaces for all our programmes, can only ever be caretakers, our RVC Honours 40
we have also been able to reflect investments in the RVC are focused Movers and Shakers 42
on the changes we adopted over on ensuring that the next chapter
the last two years in response to will be as exciting and successful Classnotes 52
the pandemic, and the impact they as the one just gone. New buildings,
have had on how we go about new initiatives, new programmes Reunions 64
our business. Far from returning and new approaches are all very Supporting the RVC 66
to the practices of 2019, we have well, but it is the people of the RVC
embraced many of the advances who make us the organisation we Community 72
and new opportunities to transform aspire to be. Eclipse is ultimately In Memoriam 74
every aspect of our day-to-day. about these people.
From blended learning to working
from home policies, our post Thank you for your interest and
pandemic RVC is a rather different, support – wherever you are and
modernised, flexible and accessible whatever path you are following,
environment that seeks to embrace we are grateful you share in
a much broader range of learning the RVC’s journey.
preferences and careers. This can
only be a good thing! With all best wishes