Page 22 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 22 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 22

The vlogƵ awarded Overall Silver for

        Teaching Excellence and Gold for

        Student Outcomes

        We have been awarded an overall     for all students, including those from   of our outcomes recognised at the
        Silver rating in the Teaching       disadvantaged backgrounds.          highest level. In seeking to optimise the
                                                                                satisfaction of all our students, in what
        Excellence and Student Outcomes     The TEF assesses universities on    is a demanding subject area, we will be
                                            teaching quality by looking at measures
        Framework (TEF), which was          including student satisfaction, student   redoubling our efforts to ensure we meet
        published in September by the       retention rates and graduate employment   their expectations in all our offerings and
                                                                                maximise our overall score”.
        Higher Education Funding Council    levels. Its award ratings of Gold, Silver
                                            and Bronze are valid for up to three years.
        for England (HEFCE).
                                            After the rating was announced, Stuart
        We are proud to have been awarded   Reid said: “With the publication of the
        Gold for ‘Student Outcomes’, which is   TEF results, as a specialist institution
        measured on the extent to which positive   we are pleased to see the quality
        outcomes and learning gain are achieved

        RVC maintains strong results in the

        Knowledge Exchange Framework

        The vlogƵ has continued to score highly   The KEF3 results are also a useful   engagement) was local growth and
        in the third iteration of the Knowledge   source of information and data on HEI’s   regeneration, research partnerships and
        Exchange Framework (KEF3), exceeding   knowledge exchange activities, for the   working with business. It was also ranked
        the peer average in some categories.   purposes of understanding, benchmarking  as having high engagement in working
        This reflects the institution’s strengths   and improving their own performance.  with the public and third sector. In all
        in its research partnerships, projects to   We are categorised within the ‘STEM   three of these rankings, the RVC exceeds
        enhance local growth and regeneration,   Cluster’ which groups specialist   that of the STEM cluster average.
        and its relationships with businesses, the   institutions covering science, technology,   Oliver Pybus, Vice Principal for Research
        public, and third sector organisations.
                                            engineering and mathematics, often   and Innovation and Professor of Infectious
        The KEF3 results assess higher education  producing large amounts of quality   Diseases, said: “These latest results
        institutions (HEI) efforts to collaborate   research, particularly in bioscience,   from the UK Government’s Knowledge
        with non-academic partners. The process   veterinary science, and engineering. The   Exchange Framework again illustrate
        is important in providing HEIs with   RVC was awarded the top two scoring   how successfully RVC researchers and
        comparable information on performance   categories for 10 out of the 16 measures.   staff are applying their expertise and
        for transparency and public accountability.   Within the highest quintile (very high   discoveries to real-world issues.”

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