Page 25 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 25 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 25


        to a traditional Indian wedding that was   the international partnership helps to   The serious message is that wildlife
        taking place on site and were treated to   keep these low, not just as a one-off, but   health has never faced greater
        a daily yoga session lead by Pat Shuen,   year after year.              challenges. Our veterinary and science
        course participant and BVetMed (1997).                                  graduates are well-equipped to
                                            Any graduates reading this who have
        It is fantastic to attend these courses and  studied on any of the RVC’s Wild   contribute to the international pool
                                                                                of expertise, but often need further,
        see how appreciative the participants   Animal or Wildlife Health courses (BSc,   specialised training. Learning to work
        are, especially those from India. For   MSc, or MSci) should be receiving a   with colleagues from other backgrounds
        those of us used to European or US   weekly communication from the WHB’s   and cultures is a huge benefit of this sort
        environments, courses like this are   Wild Animal alumni network. If you are   of course; I think that participants only
        rare, but they do pop up every now and   alumni and not receiving this, please do   realise how much value to place on that
        again.  Again and again though, I hear   get in touch. The newsletter contains   skill after attending the course.
        from the Indian veterinarians that there is   wildlife health news, jobs postings, and
        absolutely nothing else like this available   alumni career updates. More details   Huge thanks to all the Wildlife Health
        for them. Several of the participants we   on the WHB is available in our recent   Bridge – and here’s to the next one!
        met are already working in zoos or nature   publication in the Journal of One Health
        reserves but have received no additional   & Implementation Research (Meredith
        training beyond their initial veterinary   et al., 2022). And if you are interested in
        degree. Indian government funding   coming on the 2024 course, please visit   Photo credits: Prof. Parag Nigam,
        covers costs for local participants, and   the course website:  Wildlife Institute of India

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