Page 19 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 19 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 19


        The meme and voice of

        an NHS animation video to

        increase vaccine uptake

        Vaccination proved an effective tool   NHS England and the British Society   You can find out more here:
        in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.   for Immunology.          
        However, millions of children missed out   He has even become a meme! Entitled
        on routine vaccination, such as measles,   ‘do you know how vaccines work?’, this
        during the pandemic and now there is a   short video has been watched on social
        worldwide campaign to restore essential   media over 15,000 times and is shared
        immunisation coverage to at least the   in GP surgeries, health clinics and other
        levels in 2019.
                                            organisations throughout the UK.
        Termed ‘the Big Catch-Up’, one of the   The aim is to provide help to everyone to
        RVC’s scientists, Dr Donald Palmer,   allow them to make informed decisions
        Associate Professor of Immunology, is   about vaccination.
        contributing to this effort by co-scripting
        and narrating an informational animation   You can watch the video here:
        video, which is a collaboration involving

        New Vice Principal for Clinical Services

        Following an international search,                                      Of her appointment, Amanda said: “I am
        Amanda Boag, a European and American                                    delighted to be joining the leadership
        recognised specialist in Emergency and                                  team at the RVC at such a pivotal time
        Clinical Care, has been appointed as                                    for the organisation, our profession
        Vice Principal (Clinical Services).                                     and the sector. Delivering clinical
                                                                                service innovation and high-quality
        Ms Boag joins the RVC from the private                                  care, alongside the nurturing of the next
        sector, bringing 15 years of esteemed                                   generation of veterinary professionals,
        experience, including as Clinical Director                              has been the key driver throughout my
        at Vets Now, during which she was                                       career. On a personal level I am very
        responsible for clinical innovation,                                    much looking forward to coming back
        quality and veterinary professional                                     to the institution where I started my
        development across 60 sites, and, most                                  veterinary journey 25 years ago.”
        recently as Chief Medical Officer at IVC
        Evidensia, where she led the learning   achieving board certification in both   Stuart Reid added: “We are thrilled
        and development and clinical leadership   Internal Medicine and Emergency and   that Amanda will be joining the team
        teams across the global business.                                       here at the RVC as we seek to move
                                            Critical Care. She remained at the RVC
        Drawing on this expertise, Ms Boag   until 2008, working as a Lecturer in   our veterinary services to the next level.
                                                                                The changing face of clinical offering
        will lead one of the largest academic   Emergency and Critical Care.    and our embedded clinical educational
        clinical operations in the world, providing   In recognition of her expertise, Ms Boag   programmes require vision and
        clinical care, training and advice to an   was an elected member of RCVS Council   leadership, and Amanda’s experience
        international clientele. She will also be   for eight years, from 2012 to 2020 and   and drive will be central to our success.
        a member of the RVC’s senior team,   served as its President from 2018 to   With the evolution of both general
        helping lead significant expansion of its   2019. She was also Founding President   practice and specialist environments
        clinical facilities as it looks to the next   of the European College of Emergency   and the rapid advance and significance
        chapter in its 230 year history.    and Critical Care (ECVECC 2014-2018)   of new technologies on our reach and
        Ms Boag graduated from the University   and is a Treasurer of the European Board   impact, it is an exciting prospect and one
        of Cambridge in 1998 and subsequently   of Veterinary Specialisation board. She is   in which I know Amanda will deliver.”
        completed further clinical training at the   chair of Trustees for RCVS Knowledge.
        RVC and the University of Pennsylvania,
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