Page 15 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
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Calling all VN alumni!
Get ready to commemorate the School of The vlogƵ and the
Veterinary Nursing’s remarkable milestones
– 25 years delivering undergraduate VN
education and 15 years delivering post- University of London – new
registration VN education.
alumni from the early days, save the date scholarship programme
Whether you’re a recent graduate or an
for a celebratory event where we honour
veterinary nursing knowledge, growth,
and achievements. Join us to reconnect he University of London (UoL) “My career aspirations revolve around
with friends and teachers who made your has supported the RVC in a becoming a dedicated veterinarian,
time at the RVC special, reminisce about number of ways over the years, with a focus on serving the farming
your time here and come and see how Tprimarily by funding prizes and community in Wales. I am drawn to
much the campus has changed! providing funds to support students the challenges of mixed veterinary
Stay tuned for more details, but mark in financial difficulties. In 2022 they practice and I am eager to contribute
16 March 2024 in your calendar now launched the University of London to the well-being of animals and the
because you won’t want to miss this Scholars Programme with the aim of farming industry, ultimately realising
wonderful event (and if you know an RVC supporting its constituent colleges in my goal of becoming a valued
VN alumni, kindly share this message). their work, widening access to higher professional in the field.”
education and helping young people
Register your interest at across London flourish while narrowing The vlogƵ is committed to
vn-event-interest-2024 and receive social, economic and health inequalities. recruitment and retention of talented
more details in due course. students from a wide variety of
The programme has enabled the backgrounds. All students should be
We would love to have as many alumni present RVC to create two new scholarships able to engage in a full educational
as possible as we look forward to celebrating for London-based students from experience at the RVC, regardless
this remarkable achievement with you.
ethnic minorities, who also fulfil our of financial means and the RVC’s
It has been a whirlwind of a year for us, Widening Participation criteria as provision of scholarships are an
and we eagerly anticipate the next year set out in the RVC’s Access and important component of this aim.
and the exciting developments it will bring. Participation Plan. The scholarships For more information about our
are for students applying for any scholarships please visit
For more information about our post- undergraduate course at the RVC and
registration courses for Veterinary Nurses, will provide the scholars with £5,000
please visit
per year for three years.
The programme supports a mix
Lucie Wilkins, winner of the of UK-based undergraduate and
Outstanding Patient Care Award, told postgraduate students who are
us: “I am so grateful to have won this registered for a course of study at
award. I always try to think about my the UoL or one of its 17 independent
patients’ wellbeing and comfort during federal member institutions.
their visit in the Oncology service. It
is lovely to be recognised for my work One of this year’s scholars is Niamh
and I am very proud of working with Aldrich, who commented: “This
such a great team!” scholarship has lifted the financial
burden of living and studying in London
from me, allowing me to dedicate more
focused time to my studies and course
specific activities and research rather
than part-time employment.”
She continued: “At the RVC I’m most
excited to dedicate my learning towards
my field of interest and delve into the
Bioveterinary Sciences course, while
making close friends that have similar
aspirations to me. Becoming a part
of the RVC community and joining
societies and meeting a wide range of
people is also extremely important to me.