Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 12

An exciting year of firsts for

        Veterinary Nursing at the RVC

        This year has been filled with celebrations of our nurses’

        contributions and achievements, along with exciting new

        developments that promote and showcase the professional
        growth of our veterinary nurses.

        New Director and Deputy             Perdi Welsh said: “I’m delighted to   Breaking new ground:
        Director of Veterinary Nursing      have been appointed as Director     ESVONC Nurse’s Conference
                                            of Veterinary Nursing. It’s extremely   opens new avenues for
        In April, RVN Perdi Welsh was appointed
        as the Director of Veterinary Nursing,   rewarding and an honour to be working   Veterinary Nurses in Oncology
        with RVN Hilary Orpet assuming the role   with many fabulous VN colleagues   Veterinary Nurses have embarked
        of Deputy Director. These appointments   at the RVC on innovative projects to   on a new chapter of recognition,
        mark a significant milestone, as it is the   positively impact the advancement of   collaboration, and growth within the field
        first time a veterinary nurse has been   veterinary nurses and the veterinary   of oncology. RVN, Nicola Read, Head
        assigned as the Director of Veterinary   nursing profession, as well as continue   Oncology Nurse at the RVC’s Queen
        Nursing at the RVC. This move       to explore ways we can offer increased   Mother Hospital for Animals (QMHA),
        demonstrates the RVC’s commitment   professional progression opportunities.”  coordinated the third European Society
        to leading veterinary nursing (VN)   Hilary Orpet told us: “This is an amazing   of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC)
        education and clinical excellence, while   opportunity to expand our horizons and   Nurse’s conference in Alicante.
        also enhancing the quality, creation, and   develop a connected community of   The groundbreaking event ran alongside
        dissemination of VN evidence.       veterinary nurses at different stages of   the longstanding Veterinary Stream
        In her new role, Perdi, with the invaluable   their career. I have worked with Perdi   and welcomed VNs from across the
        support of Hilary, is providing leadership   over many years and on many different   continent to delve into a comprehensive
        and direction for the School of Veterinary   projects – and working with such a   programme featuring practical, cutting-
        Nursing. If you are RVC VN alumni, you   creative and productive team will ensure   edge, and interprofessional sessions led
        would likely have been taught by either   that veterinary nursing at the RVC is   by world-renowned specialists, while
        one or both during your time here!  leading the profession.”            enjoying a vibrant social programme.
                                                                                The significance of this conference
                                                                                extended far beyond its enriching
                                                                                sessions. During the event, an important
                                                                                milestone was reached, as VNs were
                                                                                granted ESVONC membership status.
                                                                                This marks a turning point for VNs,
                                                                                as it opens access to a society that
                                                                                was previously reserved solely for
                                                                                veterinarians. It signifies the profession’s
                                                                                recognition of the invaluable contribution
                                                                                VNs make in the collaborative aim to
                                                                                further scientific progress of veterinary
                                                                                and comparative oncology.
                                                                                At the conference, Nicola Read was
                                                                                deservedly elected as the inaugural
                                                                                ESVONC VN Liaison Officer. In this
                                                                                role, she will collaborate with the
                                                                                executive committee to support VNs
                                                                                by fostering educational opportunities
                                                                                and coordinating research. Nicola will
                                                                                also collaborate with other oncology VN
                                                                                specialists to facilitate the exchange of
         Perdi Welsh (left) and Hilary Orpet (right)
                                                                                information, making it more accessible
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