Page 18 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 18
RVC achieves top spot in global rankings
We have maintained our position at the top of the QS World
University Subject Rankings. This is the third consecutive year
the RVC has celebrated this accomplishment and the fourth time
in the last five years.
To produce the rankings for this year, QS The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ maintained its perfect score
analysed more than 16.4 million unique of 100 for Academic Reputation for the
papers published between 2016-2020, seventh year running. It also achieved
producing close to 117.8 million citations an improved H-index (or Hirsch index)
in 2016-2021. 1,597 institutions were of 97.2, speaking to the productivity and
ranked across 54 subjects in five broad impact of the RVC’s published work.
subject areas, creating more than 18,300 The institution’s scores for citations
ranked entries. and employer reputation are also
highly commendable, at 99.4 and 76.1
The rankings are then determined by a respectively, recognising not only the
range of criteria, including Academic significance of the RVC’s research but
Reputation, Research Impact, number also its standing among employers.
of Citations, Employer Reputation and
the H-index – which ranks the impact The full set of rankings can be found at:
and quality of the work published by the
institution’s scientists and academics.
New Head for the Department of
Pathobiology and Population Sciences
with the ultimate purpose of enhancing The Department of PPS is home to staff
human lives and livelihoods through with a broad spectrum of professional
improved animal health and welfare. interests and networks. It is renowned for
its expertise in the production of animal
Professor Priestnall brings vast medicine, animal welfare, epidemiology,
experience and expertise in the field, economics and veterinary public health,
holding Fellowships of the Royal clinical and anatomic pathology, virology,
College of Pathologists, the RVCS, bacteriology, immunology and parasitology.
the Royal Society of Biology and the This broad spectrum of expertise enables
Higher Education Academy. Professor departmental researchers to consider
Priestnall is a recognised RCVS disease processes from the molecular
Specialist in Veterinary Pathology – and cellular level through to the whole
with diagnostic and research expertise animal and animal populations. The effects
in respiratory, gastrointestinal and of disease on welfare and the impact of
experimental histopathology.
disease on human-animal interactions
Simon Priestnall, Professor of Veterinary He is also a Senior Examiner for and human health are fostered by this
Anatomic Pathology, was appointed the Royal College of Pathologists multidisciplinary approach.
Head of the Department of Pathobiology and Chair of the Anatomic Professor Priestnall will succeed
and Population Sciences (PPS). In the Pathology Examination Assembly Professor Ken Smith, who took on a new
role, Professor Priestnall will continue and Administration Committee of role as Head of the RVC’s Graduate
driving forward PPS’s mission in the American College of Veterinary School, in July.
excelling in understanding, diagnosing Pathologists. He has served as
and educating about animal disease President of the British Society of
and embracing One Health principles, Veterinary Pathology.