Page 79 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 79
From 2003 to 2006 he was a member
of the BBC’s rural affairs advisory
committee, ensuring veterinary matters
were presented accurately across the
network and advising on various animal-
related elements of Archers storylines.
He was also the veterinary adviser to
the second series of the BBC Three
series ‘Kill It, Cook It, Eat It’ – aimed at
helping consumers understand where
food comes from, and the high welfare
standards of production in this country.
Peter was elected to the Royal College
of Veterinary Surgeon’s Council in 2004
and served for 12 years, including being
President in 2010-2011. He is held in
great affection by the RCVS, who describe
him as erudite and knowledgeable, always
happy to help, and a pleasure to work with.
Amongst Peter’s many achievements,
he received the prestigious BVA Chiron
Award in 2007. The citation says it all:
option for one so practical and keen to
make a difference. “Peter Charles Jinman - who, with
boundless energy and commitment, has
PETER JINMAN (1974) Peter then had a distinguished career given outstanding service to the BVA,
that led him to become president both the veterinary profession and the animals
Tribute by Peter’s family and of the Royal College of Veterinary
Christianne Glossop under their care. A man of innovation
Surgeons (2010-11) and the British and integrity, his vision of the need
Peter Jinman, who died aged 72 of Veterinary Association (2002-03). He for the profession to embrace ethical
cancer, was a greatly loved rural vet in was appointed OBE in 2004. considerations is but one of his legacies
Herefordshire whose impact and influence Despite reaching the heights of his to the art of veterinary science”.
reached Westminster and the BBC. profession, Peter remained a vet with Outside veterinary business, Peter was
Peter was born in 1951 in Royal mud on his boots, as comfortable elected as an independent councillor
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. testing cattle for TB as advising to Herefordshire County Council in
His father, Charles Jinman was an government on animal welfare policy. 2017. During the Covid-19 pandemic
electrical engineer, and his mother During the 2001 foot and mouth and, drawing on his understanding of
Floss was one of the country’s first disease (FMD) epidemic he averted population medicine and epidemiology,
female county court clerks. His father disaster when marksmen were Peter gave guidance on the risks of
was 52 years old when he was born, a deployed up both sides of the same hill discharging potentially infectious patients
life disrupted by two world wars. This simultaneously to cull infected sheep. into care homes. At his suggestion,
was the context of Peter’s early life, As a vet in rural practice Peter treated all provision of additional training and PPE
a hard-working family in a period of creatures great and small, winning the helped to reduce the county’s death rate.
post war recovery on the outskirts of respect and affection of his clients. He In 2011, with his daughter Phillippa,
Coventry. As a child, he was obsessed saw his farmers through BSE, FMD, and he bought, renovated and breathed life
with the natural world, his time taken the ongoing scourge of bovine TB, and into his village pub, the Temple Bar, in
up with excursions into the countryside ensured the practising veterinary voice Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, donning
with his friends birdwatching. of reason and compassion was heard, as rubber gloves to wash up after Sunday
He attended Feldon school in eradication plans were developed. lunch service.
Leamington Spa, then Warwick school, A long-standing member of the BVA,
and graduated in Veterinary Medicine he became President in 2002, his His eclectic interests led to adventure
from the vlogƵ in tenure coinciding with the departure of holidays that included sailing in the
1974. Two years later, he joined the both the CEO and Deputy. Undaunted, Caribbean, hiking up volcanoes in
Ewyas Harold practice, marrying the Peter rolled up his sleeves and set Hawaii and canoeing on the Colorado
boss’s daughter, Gill Carter, in 1977, to work as both President and Chief river. His son, Henry, recalls a trip
and becoming a partner in 1979. Executive. Hardly leaving the building, to Croatia, where they unknowingly
negotiated a minefield before sitting
Peter initially planned to study zoology and consistently good humoured, down to lunch. He found joy in
– although a chance meeting with JZ Peter sought solutions, and forged ornithology, music, tennis, sailing and
Young convinced Peter that veterinary collaborations everywhere he went, to always taking the scenic route in search
medicine would be a more suitable the benefit of BVA. of a fantastic view. He was a liveryman