Page 81 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 81 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 81

compass, and a huge soft spot for
                                            the students of the RVC. Dave was
                                            instrumental in starting many of the SU’s
        DAVE SHERLOCK-JONES,   popular events including Varsity and May
        SU GENERAL                          Ball. Shortly before his death, concerned
        MANAGER                             for how the cost-of-living crisis was
                                            impacting students, he initiated the SU
        Dave Sherlock-Jones, the much-loved   Pantry scheme to support students
        General Manager of the RVC Students’   struggling to make ends meet. Dave was
        Union, passed away on 18 August 2023   loved by generations of RVC students,
        aged 58.                            many of whom stayed in contact with him
                                            years after they graduated.
        Dave - never David (only his mother was
        allowed to call him that he insisted),   In his final months Dave and his wife Ros
        started the role of General Manager in   fostered a guide dog called York. Dave
        2013, coming to the RVC from managing   took great pride in York’s progress as he
        the Students’ Union at Middlesex    learned to guide and would have been
        University. The then Head of Estates,   immensely proud when he passed his
        Alasdair Esson recalls that Dave ‘blew   guide dog tests on 17 August.
        him away’ in the job interview with his   Dave will be sorely missed by all his past
        passion and ideas for the Students’   and present colleagues, as well as all the
        Union. Up until then the Union had been   students whose lives he touched, and
        without management and Dave quickly   who will have many fond memories of
        put checks and balances in place, whilst   him. Our thoughts are with his wife Ros.
        providing invaluable mentoring advice
        and support to the students.        An evening at the Buttery was held in
                                            Dave’s memory in October with staff and
        Dave could give the impression of   students remembering his life. A bench
        being a gruff non-conformist, but he   was unveiled as a tribute to Dave in the
        had a heart of gold, a very strong moral   Buttery garden.

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