Page 75 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 75 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 75


        a thriving farm practice. Jim Pengelly,   to pick fruit. He also let a few properties   enthusiastic as ever to engage with his
        who had joined the practice in 1954,   at home and abroad. Home from home   fellow countrymen.
        subsequently became a partner in 1964.   was a small villa in the south of France,   He never forgot old friends and was
        Tom would later say how lucky he was to   which he acquired in 1962 and through   a great supporter of the RVC, which
        have Jim in the business and theirs was a   which he introduced many friends to   was recognised by by Vicki Laing
        very good working relationship.     this enticing part of the world. His first   (Alumni Relations) who kindly enclosed
                                            visits to France were in the 1950s, when
        Tom’s father, who had been a partner in                                 this picture of the 2013 reunion at
        the Norwich practice with John McLintock,   cars were craned onto ferries in nets   Hawkshead after his passing.
        retired and joined Tom in 1957, where he   for the channel crossing or the drive-on   Most important of all to him was his
        continued working until the age of 75.  option was to fly from Lydd to Le Touquet
                                            with Silver City Airlines in a Bristol 170   very close family. Angela, to whom he
        Tom married Angela, a Peterborough   freighter with clamshell nosedoors that   was married for 65 years, survives him
        girl, in 1957 and over the following 15   could carry up to three cars at a time. He   together with their five children, Peter,
        years they were kept busy bringing up   would carry spare fuel because of the   Jacquelyn, Deborah, Annemarie and Kate
        a son and four daughters. Tom retired   scarcity of petrol stations on the journey   and 14 grandchildren. Their support
        in March 1984. By then Peterborough   to the south!                     allowed him to spend his final days at
        had changed considerably, at one point   He was incredibly proud of his Irish   home and Tom would have been very
        being the fastest growing city in Europe.   heritage with visits to Dublin and   proud of the attention they have all given
        Farmland was developed to provide   Westport always very special to him.   to Angela since his passing.
        housing and the practice became far   In 2011, he and Angela took the
        more small animal orientated.
                                            whole family to Westport for a holiday
        He kept very active after his retirement   and it was very special to be able to
        looking after a large garden; visitors   accompany him on his last visit in 2019
        were invariably taken down the garden   at the age of 96, when he was as

         Class of 1946 at reunion 2013 (Tom pictured second from right)

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