Page 70 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 70 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 70

The vlogƵ Alumni Fund,

        supporting RVC students

                   e are so grateful to our
                   alumni who donate to the
                   RVC Alumni Fund, which
        Wmakes such a difference to
        our students. The fund supports them in
        a number of different ways, from helping
        student clubs and societies with their
        fundraising to supporting them financially
        with the costs of placements and funding
        pioneering educational equipment.

        The fund also contributes to the Student
        Support Fund, to help those who find
        themselves in financial difficulties. But
        rather than take our word for it, hear
        about it from the horse’s mouth:
        Alexis Brown, BVetMed student,
        reported: “On the first day of my   Shelley Revell, Student Money
        placement at the Schwarzman Animal   Adviser and Deputy Head of the
        Medical Center of New York, I was   Advice Centre, reported, “Students’
        greeted by a neurology intern who was a   finances have been severely impacted by
        graduate from the RVC – and from there   the cost-of-living crisis, along with high
        I already felt at home. This experience   inflation and static student loan rates.
        was invaluable to me because I was   More students than ever have concerns
        able to apply theoretical knowledge   about the cost of gas, electricity, food
        from lectures and discussions to a   and fuel (for placements) and we
        real patient. I am very thankful for this   have also seen a rise in the number
        opportunity and to the RVC Alumni Fund   of students in rent arrears. Thanks to
        for making it possible.”            support from the RVC Alumni Fund we
                                            have been able to help more students
        Larissa Campos Aquino, Teaching     than ever – so thank you on their behalf!”
        Fellow, commented: “The purchase    If you would like to donate to the
        of the ultrasound simulation model for   RVC Alumni Fund, please visit
        the Clinical Skills Centre has enabled or you can
        our students to undertake training in   call us on 01707 666237 or email
        an essential skill in a safe environment
        ahead of working with live animals.   us at
        Providing students with a means of
        training before conducting exams on
        live animals promotes a confident and
        straightforward attitude in practice.”
        Jo Grenfell, Captain of the RVC
        Equestrian Team, said: “Having
        matched-funding from our comedy night
        helped the team run two extra training
        sessions for our riders. It also funded
        our entries into regional competitions,
        and we got fantastic results. Having
        the money to enter these competitions
        and feel ready for the challenge was
        fundamental to our success. Thank
        you to RVC alumni who helped make
        this experience possible – it’s one we’ll
        never forget!”

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