Page 69 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 69 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 69


        Amber Phillips, RVC Catt Scholar    the scholarship has been the reason
        (Veterinary Nursing) said: “Being   I have felt able to continue studying,
        a scholar has helped me feel more   particularly in stressful times, and I am
        confident overall in my studies. It helped   eternally grateful for everyone involved
        me believe I was capable of achieving   in providing the scholarship to me.”
        more, which helped me believe I was   Legacies and the RVC
        deserving of higher achievements. I am
        truly grateful to the RVC for awarding me   The vlogƵ Animal Care Trust (ACT)
        the scholarship – it has helped me so   is the vlogƵ’s
        very much throughout my years studying.  charity. We are in a unique position   Raheem
                                            to change lives and continue making
        “To anyone thinking of leaving a    considerable advances and a positive
        gift in their will to potentially fund a   impact on animal care. It’s a place   If you would like to help fund
        scholarship – just know the difference   where nurses, vets, scientists, and   scholarships or other RVC work,
        it can make is immeasurable. For    students come together to tackle the   either by donating now or in your
        people like me, it allows us to continue   toughest challenges and advance   will, please contact us at
        through our studies without a massive   veterinary medicine with far-reaching or on 01707 666237
        amount of stress and worry, for which   benefits. Your legacy can help us   and we will be happy to help or
        is it so hard to put into words how   save lives through research, veterinary   send you a copy of our brand new
        grateful they would be. Personally,                                     brochure about donating in your will.
                                            excellence, and education.

                  IT TAKES


                  LIKE YOU
                  TO CHANGE

                  LIVES LIKE


                  Leave a legacy with real impact and
                  reach through the remarkable clinical
                  care, research and education delivered
                  by the vlogƵ.

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