Page 63 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 63
The 糖心vlog视频 community is currently busy
crocheting and knitting poppies to
brighten the campuses as we return
on site and to celebrate Armistice
Day. A short service is held on 11th
November at both campuses to
remember the service and sacrifice
of all those that have defended our
freedoms and protected our way of life.
Students, staff and members of the local
community are making beautiful poppies
of all shapes and sizes.
Earlier this year, the Community
Relations team set up a freecycle
room to help students recycle items
such as lab coats, wellies, boiler
suits, kitchen utensils, stationery and
much more! We have had a fantastic
first few months with those leaving
their accommodation donating
goods and students moving in to
their first student accommodation
picking up what they need. It really
has been an RVC community effort,
and nothing is going to waste! SO, WHAT鈥橲 NEXT鈥�? We are also starting to look at a new
project to set up some community
If you have anything to donate and As we move forward, after the past allotments and a garden at Boltons Park
live locally, our freecycle rooms are 18 months of lockdowns and social Farm for staff, students and the local
based at the RVC Boltons Park distancing, we are hoping to get back community to visit, work in and reap the
Farm. We cannot accept electrical out amongst our local communities 鈥� rewards of locally grown produce.
goods or large furniture items, but into local schools, as well as welcoming Watch this space 鈥� we hope to have more
most things are up for taking! Email school visits to the farm, participating to report in the next edition of Eclipse. if in local events and welcoming visitors
you wish to know more. back for Open Farm Sunday and If you are part of the RVC鈥檚 local
campus visits. community and would like to help
make a difference, contact us at