Page 60 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 60 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 60

Money Matters

        Supporting students in difficult times

               he pandemic has affected our   As well as these additional costs,   Thanks to the support of RVC
               community in many ways, but   the closing of much of the hospitality   alumni, we have been able to
               the effect on our students has   industry meant many students who   extend the Emergency COVID-19
        Tbeen particularly concerning,      had relied on part-time jobs to support   Fund into the new academic year.
        especially in relation to the impact on   themselves were left without a vital
        their finances and the immense stress   income stream. The additional financial
        this can cause.                     pressures caused by the pandemic
                                            were multiple and varied.            The vlogƵ Alumni Fund
        Shelley Revell, Student Money
        Adviser and Deputy Head of          The vlogƵ already has a Student        Donations to the RVC Alumni
        the Advice Centre, commented:       Support Fund, thanks to donations    Fund enable us to help
        “Students raised concerns about     from alumni and supporters, but this   students when they really
        the financial pressure they have    was not sufficient to help our students   need it. This year it means we
        encountered due to their studies    in these difficult circumstances. The
        moving to remote and then blended   RVC received additional funds from the   have been able to alleviate
        learning in the pandemic. Many of   government to support students’ digital   the financial stresses of the
        our students relied on the computers   needs but whilst this support was very   many students impacted by
        on campus to complete their work    welcome, demand far exceeded supply.   the pandemic. We all want
        up until the pandemic. The move to   The vlogƵ’s charity, the Animal Care Trust,   students to achieve their full
        online exams in the autumn term of   therefore created a new Emergency   potential and money worries
        2020/21 meant a renewed call from   COVID-19 Fund which has been
        students for support with the costs of   managed by the Student Support Team.  can severely impact on studies.
        equipment like laptops, headsets and   The team was inundated with       Thanks to your support we are
        improved broadband connections.”                                         able to help students regain
                                            applications from students from all years
        In addition, EMS costs increased as   and all courses, both undergraduate   that focus on their work.
        students had to find accommodation   and postgraduate levels of study. Even   If you would like to donate to
        at hotels rather than staying with staff   applications to the regular Student   the RVC Alumni Fund call us
        and they were required to use their   Support Fund doubled compared to   on 01707 666237, email us
        own cars rather than travel with their   pre-pandemic levels.            at or donate
        hosts. International students found   Whilst some of the financial pressures   online through our website
        themselves having to pay for multiple   have eased as restrictions have been
        commercial COVID-19 tests and       lifted, it is likely the pandemic will affect
        occasionally hotel quarantine as they   our students for some time.
        travelled to and from campus from
        their home countries.

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