Page 66 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 66 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 66

in veterinary science, to the staff he   supportive. He inspired and facilitated
                                            managed and to the friends he made.  creativity in his team. As a member of
                                                                                his team, I felt cared for and looked
                                            “When I started at the RVC in 2002,
        GEOFFREY BYRNE                      Nick was the friendly face who I could   after. He brought us satsumas in the
        (1957)                              talk to and share an enthusiasm for   winter months, brightened up the office
                                            distance and online learning. His vision   with giant poinsettias at Christmas, and
                                                                                always shared treats from his travels. He
                                            for educational outreach was to include
        Geoffrey graduated from the RVC in 1957.   all veterinarians who could not physically   always said that our families and health
        He started his own practice in Camelford,   attend the RVC. He was instrumental in   came above work.
        Cornwall in 1959 and continued to run the   building the virtual learning environment   “With his dynamic vision and flair for
        practice for 30 years until his retirement in   and the e-learning strategy at the   innovation, he helped to establish the
        1990, when he sold the practice. It was   RVC. He built a team around him and   Bloomsbury Learning Exchange (BLE)
        a three to four man mixed practice and   persuaded more traditional colleagues of   collaboration. Among our partners, he
        Geoffrey always employed newly qualified   the power of new educational tools.   was a go-to for advice and provided a
        graduates, as he particularly enjoyed                                   shining beacon of excellence in what can
        training them as junior practitioners.  “Nick pioneered the involvement of   be achieved in digital education.
                                            students in new developments and of
        Geoffrey received an Honorary Degree   working with ‘students as partners’, now   “Nick helped to shape the professional
        of Recognition in 2014 from the RVC   a buzzword in HE. The foundations that   I have become, and even into his
        in recognition of his commitment to the   he laid at the RVC is an example of the   retirement, I was so grateful for his
        veterinary profession.              future of online veterinary education   contribution to my development and to
                                            around the world and, more immediately,   the continued direction of the BLE.”
        Our thoughts are with Geoffrey’s wife
        Jennifer and his family.            prepared the RVC for the challenge of   Sarah Sherman
                                            COVID-19. He was an inspired and
                                            passionate educator who understood   “I met Nick when I joined the RVC in
                                            the value of developed countries working   2002. One day he approached me to
                                            with less developed countries to provide   discuss some teaching projects, which
                                            excellence in online education.     later would become the cornerstone
        NICK SHORT                          “His legacy lives on in the UK and globally.”  of our relationship. I remember the
                                                                                rudimentary gadgets we tried to use
        By Ayona Silva-Fletcher, Sarah Sherman,   Ayona Silva-Fletcher          to create learning content, especially
        Raymond Macharia                                                        recording lectures and creating
                                            “I met Nick some years before I cheekily
        In February 2021, we tragically lost our   asked if he had any jobs going – I   podcasts using mobile phones. I must
        friend and former colleague Nick Short,   was that keen to work with him. As it   say that these very podcasts and other
        who joined the RVC back in 2000.    happened, he did – and 14 years on,   outputs, such as Wikivet, threw the
        He contributed to the RVC and its   I’m still here.                     limelight posthumously on Nick, as they
        community (staff, students and alumni)   “Nick was not just a line manager;   were deployed to supplement teaching
        in so many ways that a complete tribute   he was a confidante, a guidance   during the COVID-19 lockdown.
        encompassing all he did would be    counsellor, an adviser and above all,   “I travelled a lot with Nick to educational
        impossible. However, we hope we can   my friend. He was kind and gentle,   conferences and meetings in Europe
        offer some words about the impact he   motivating and passionate, encouraging   and Africa and nothing exuded more
        made to online learning and teaching                                    from him than his desire to see a lot of
                                            and interested, approachable and
                                                                                good quality teaching content developed
                                                                                and provided to the world of veterinary
                                                                                science for free. 
                                                                                “Nick was a very friendly, kind and
                                                                                humble person, always doing what he
                                                                                could to create a favourable environment
                                                                                for all those who associated with him.
                                                                                Nick and I remained close friends and
                                                                                seamlessly shared not only his academic
                                                                                passion but also occasionally his best
                                                                                dinner recipes. He has left an imprint
                                                                                on me of a gentle, caring, kind and
                                                                                compassionate person.”
                                                                                Raymond Macharia

          Nick (far right) with one of his wonderful teams from 2010

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