Page 19 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 19 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 19


        “Our virtual visitors could see how   “The Royal Society Summer Exhibition   Dr Shane Windsor, Senior Lecturer in
        observing birds of prey has helped us   lives on! Interesting, beautiful and   Aerodynamics in Bristol’s Department
        to develop hinged-wing aircraft for a   useful science and a chance to chat   of Aerospace Engineering, said: “Future
        smoother ride and reduce the drag of   to those involved. We got to show off   aircraft and aerial robots may operate
        future small aircraft with bird-like tails.   owls, eagles, helium bubbles, air jets   in very different ways from current
        On top of that, we brought a slice   and Augmented Reality that put a flying   technologies. By studying bird flight,
        of science directly to our audience   barn owl in your living room, as well   we can get inspiration for new ways of
        whereby they could experiment by flying   as explaining some of the tricks used   solving challenges such as saving energy
        our favourite barn owl, Lily, around   by birds, and how they might improve   and dealing with gusty wind conditions.
        their home using our augmented reality   aircraft design.”              “It’s been amazing working with the RVC
        experience, OwlAR.
                                            Dr Jonathan Stevenson, Research     to study how birds are adapted to fly so
        “The all-digital format this year has   Associate in Bird-inspired Aerodynamics   efficiently and robustly.”
        been a fun challenge and a great way   from the University of Bristol’s   See:
        to communicate our scientific research   Department of Aerospace Engineering,   inspired-engineering/index.html
        to the world – we hope we have made   said: “It has been tremendous fun   for more information, illustrations
        engaging interactive content with an   curating our research for the public via   and videos showing what we can
        enduring appeal.”                   the Royal Society. We aimed to get   learn from bird flight.
                                            everyone thinking (and dreaming!) about
        Professor Jim Usherwood, Wellcome
        Trust Senior Research Fellow, said:   the future of aircraft and to inspire the
                                            scientists of tomorrow.”

        RVC retains HR Excellence in Research Award

               he RVC’s HR Excellence in    practices align with the Concordat.   perspectives which have shaped our
               Research Award was renewed   The RVC was also pleased to offer   strategy and objectives for the years
               earlier in the year, following its   its robust action plan, developed in   to come.
        Teight-year review.                 collaboration with RVC researchers,   “Researchers form a fundamental part of
                                            outlining our next steps for implementing
        The Award provides an important                                         the RVC and I am gratified that our hard
        mechanism for implementing the      the principles.                     work and commitment to their career
        principles of the Concordat to      Professor Jonathan Elliott, who     development has again been recognised
        Support the Career Development of   was Vice-Principal (Research and    by Vitae with the HR Excellence in
        Researchers, an agreement which     Innovation) at the RVC when the     Research Award. We pride ourselves
        underpins the long-term career      news was announced, said, “I am     as being an internationally competitive
        development of researchers – a central   delighted that despite the challenges   research-led institution and I am
        tenet of the RVC’s academic and     posed by COVID-19, we were able to   confident that the successful integration
        research mission.                   demonstrate our continued commitment   of the Concordat’s principles will help
                                            to supporting the development of    us to continue to attract and retain
        Upholding the highest recruitment
        standards and practices, the RVC    our researchers, at all stages of their   some of the most innovative and
        submitted a report to the awarding   careers. Close collaboration of the   talented researchers in veterinary and
        body, Vitae, providing an internal gap   Research Association was central to   biological science.”
        analysis of how existing policies and   this success, providing us with the

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