Page 16 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 16
Pandemic puppy problems
VC researchers have The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ’s national study, which • Less likely to view their puppy
conducted the largest ever gathered the views of 5,517 owners, in-person prior to purchase and
study into the impact of the sought to understand the pre- and on- more likely to see their puppy without
RCOVID-19 pandemic on puppy purchase motivations and behaviours of their littermates
purchasing in the UK. The research UK owners. In line with the first official • More likely to have collected their
revealed that some ‘pandemic puppy’ lockdown period, it focused on puppies puppy from outside a breeder’s
owners were less likely to have sought purchased between 23 March and 31 property or have it delivered
credible breeders, less likely to have December 2020. It then compared • More likely to buy a younger puppy,
viewed their puppy in-person prior these to responses from owners of in comparison to the recommended
to collection and more likely to have puppies purchased during the same guidance of over eight weeks
paid in excess of £2,000. This was timeframe in 2019.
in comparison to owners of puppies When compared with 2019 owners, Owners of ‘pandemic puppies’ also
purchased during the same period of ‘pandemic puppy’ owners were found to be: answered a set of questions exploring
the previous year. COVID-19 specific impacts. More
• Less likely to seek out a breeder than 10 per cent of ‘pandemic puppy’
The survey unveils how high demand that performed health testing on owners had not considered purchasing
over the past 16 months has increased their breeding dog(s) or was a a puppy before the pandemic. More
the risk to puppy health and welfare. member of the Kennel Club ‘Assured than 86 per cent felt their decision to
While many pandemic-era puppy Breeders Scheme’ purchase a puppy had been influenced
owners were likely making well- • More likely to be motivated to by the pandemic, most commonly by
intentioned purchases, unbeknownst purchase a dog to improve their own/ having more time to care for a dog.
to many, these buying behaviours their family’s mental wellbeing
unfortunately heighten the threats to • More likely to pay a deposit without With 40 per cent of the pandemic-era
puppies from being sourced from poor seeing the puppy, and pay more than new owners also having no previous dog
welfare environments, bred or raised on £2,000 – an increase from average ownership experience, compared with
puppy farms, and illegally imported. prices of £955 in 2019 to £1,550 33 per cent of the 2019 owners, greater
Consequently, enhanced support in 2020 levels of support and education may be
needed to maintain the welfare of the
mechanisms for owners and greater • More likely to be first-time puppies. Vets and canine behavioural
welfare efforts for this vulnerable dog owners professionals could therefore need to
puppy population are needed now • More likely to have children in play a greater role in helping to reduce
more than ever. their household factors such as behavioural challenges,
health problems and relinquishment risk.