Page 17 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 17 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 17


        Clinical collaboration for mistreated dog

        A                                   This is a technically complex and very   occur. She was consequently monitored
                small crossbreed dog
                thrown from a moving van
                                            unusual approach for stabilisation of
                                                                                closely but there was no resurgence,
                and found to have multiple
                                                                                and she made a good recovery.
                                            the vertebral column.
                injuries made a good recovery
        thanks to transdisciplinary treatment at   In addition, she had an exploratory   Gladys returned to the Neurology
        RVC Small Animal Referrals.         laparotomy due to extension of      and Neurosurgery Service eight
                                            the paravertebral abscess into the   weeks later for re-examination. Her
        Gladys, as she was subsequently     abdomen. Gladys started to improve   neurological examination found her to
        named, was presented to the referring   almost immediately after surgery and   be greatly improved and able to walk
        veterinary practice via a welfare charity,   was discharged from the hospital after   again. Repeat CT scan revealed a well
        after a member of the public witnessed   three days.                    aligned vertebral canal and resolution
        her and another dog being thrown                                        of the abscess. It was decided to
        from the van in London. They managed   Though Gladys made a good recovery   consequently remove the external
        to catch the dogs and took them to   from surgery, the biggest risk for her   fixator. Despite her ordeal, Gladys
        local authority kennels. New Hope   immediate health upon discharge was   remained a sweet and affectionate dog
        Animal Rescue was contacted, funded   the recurrence of the abscess, which   and her story left nobody untouched.
        treatment and has since found homes   would require further surgery if this did
        for both dogs.
        Though Gladys had a microchip,
        no details could be obtained, and the
        van’s numberplate was not recorded.
        The other dog, a lurcher, was emaciated
        and covered in pressure sores but had
        no other injuries. Gladys was partially
        paralysed and unable to walk.
        Radiographs taken at the referring
        practice revealed multiple spinal
        fractures and so Gladys was referred
        to the RVC. A CT scan revealed two
        vertebral fractures. A smaller thoracic
        vertebral fracture which could be
        managed medically and a lumbar
        vertebral body fracture with luxation that
        required surgery. Additionally, there was
        an abscess in the muscles surrounding
        the vertebral fracture, which was thought
        to originate from the surrounding
        musculature and a traumatic abdominal
        wall rupture.

        Members of the Neurology and
        Neurosurgery Service and the
        Orthopaedic Service worked together
        to save Gladys. Due to the presence of
        the abscess and infection, there was a
        realistic risk that placement of surgical
        implants would be followed by dramatic
        wound infection and implant failure. The
        fracture was therefore stabilised with
        an external skeletal fixator (ESF) rather
        than placement of permanent implants.

                                                                                           Photo: New Hope Animal Rescue

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