Neutering is a surgical procedure to spay or castrate your pet to ensure they are no longer able to breed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is pet spaying?

Spaying your pet involves the surgical removal of the reproductive organs. In females, these are the ovaries and uterus. This procedure is called an ovariohysterectomy, or spay. Spaying is used for birth control.

What is pet castration?

Castration is the removal of the testes’ functionality. Surgical castration is the removal of excision of both testes. Chemical castration uses pharmaceutical drugs to deactivate the testes. Pet castration is used for both birth control and behaviour management purposes.

Which pets can be neutered?

In most cases, we recommend neutering for cats, rabbits and for female dogs that are not intended for breeding. It is not always the case that neutering is recommended for male dogs and other small mammals (e.g. guinea pigs, rats) so the decision for these species is considered on a case-by-case basis - our veterinary surgeons will be happy to discuss this with you in any routine appointment.

What happens when my pet is neutered?

Your pet’s neutering operation is performed under anaesthesia. Your pet is then carefully monitored after surgery by our highly-qualified and registered veterinary nurses.

Why is pet neutering important?

As well as preventing unwanted pregnancies, neutering offers important health benefits to your pet and reduces the risk of some behavioural problems.

Where can I get my pet neutered?

Here at the RVC Beaumont Sainsbury vet practice, we offer a full pet neutering service across a wide variety of species

When can I get my pet neutered?

We run spaying and neutering clinics Monday to Friday (advance booking required). Pets are usually admitted to the hospital in an admission appointment between 8am and 9am and will go home at the end of the day.

How much does neutering cost ?

Your pet neutering costs will vary according to the type of pet, the type of neutering involved and your circumstances.

How do I book a pet neutering appointment?

Firstly, your pet needs to be registered with us.

  • To register online – please complete the client registration form 
  • To register by phone – please call us on 020 7387 8134

Once your pet is registered – we can book your pet neutering appointment

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