Does my pet need a microchip?

It is a legal requirement for all dogs in England and Wales to be microchipped before they are eight weeks old. The pet microchip is a very small electronic implant inserted under your pet’s skin. It has a unique serial number inside a special shell. The protective shell helps to prevent the pet microchip from causing a reaction or moving around. Chips are read using a special scanner. This pet tracking number on the microchip links to a pet owner database that holds your contact details. For older pets, it is vital they are chipped as if they appear unwell they are at risk of euthanasia at a rescue centre if no owner can be contacted.

Which pets can be microchipped?

Dogs, cats, small mammals and birds can all be microchipped. Although the law doesn’t cover cat microchipping – we strongly recommended you microchip your cat – especially if your cat likes to explore outdoors.

Why is microchipping your pet important?

Your pet's natural curiosity means they could end up somewhere unexpected - an open door or window, or a gap in your garden fence are attractive gateways to a wider world.

Every year around 250,000 UK pets go missing. Microchipping is a great way to ensure that if they are found – they can be returned to you quickly.

It is much more effective than a collar or pet tag that can fall off, break or be removed. If your pet is stolen and recovered by the police or local authority, a pet microchip may be the only way to identify and contact you.

What happens if I fail to microchip my dog?

Any dog owner whose dog is found without a microchip could face a fine of up to £500.

How much does it cost to microchip my dog or puppy?  

The current price for dog microchipping is from £16.28

How much does it cost to microchip my cat or kitten?

The current price for cat microchipping is from £13.12

What is the minimum age that a puppy can be microchipped?

This depends on the size and breed for safety reasons. But a puppy must be chipped by the age of 8 weeks and before they are sold. Unless an exemption certificate is granted by a veterinary surgeon if the puppy is too small or if there are health reasons.

What is the minimum age that a kitten can be microchipped?  

We will microchip kittens from the age of 8 weeks.

What happens at my pet’s microchip appointment?

A qualified veterinary professional will place the microchip under the loose skin between your pet’s shoulder blades. The microchipping process involves inserting a needle that implants the chip under the skin. The chip is around the size of a grain of rice. Some animals react more than others, however, our team focuses on good experience for all pets and food and physical distractions help to ensure their reaction is minimal. The procedure takes a brief moment and your pet will not need any recovery time or pain relief. We also offer this when they are under anaesthetic for neutering. 

How long does a pet microchip last? 

Your pet’s microchip should last for a lifetime.

Where can I take my pet to be microchipped?  

RVC Beaumont Sainsbury vet practice offers a comprehensive pet microchipping service.

When can I get my cat or dog microchipped?   

We offer pet microchipping appointments Monday to Sunday 

My pet is already microchipped – is there anything I need to do?  

If your dog is already microchipped, it is just important to make sure your registered contact details are correct and up to date.

How do I update my pet’s microchip details on the database?  

Make sure If you’ve moved house, or you are staying away from home for an extended period that you update your contact details.  This is a legal requirement for dogs in the UK. 

How do I know what database my pet microchip information is on?  

If you can’t remember the database your microchip provider uses, the first step is to identify the relevant database.

If you know the manufacturer of your pet’s microchip, start by visiting the company’s website – you should be able to update your details on there.

If you don’t have any details about your pet’s microchip or database, you could contact your vet to see if they have your pet’s microchip number, or take your pet in and have them scanned for the presence of a microchip. If one is found, your contact details can quickly be retrieved form the appropriate database.

What happens if my microchipped pet goes missing?  

If your lost pet is taken to a vet, animal warden or rehoming centre, it should be scanned for the presence of a microchip. If one is found, the owner’s contact details can quickly be retrieved from the appropriate database.

If your pet goes missing, start by contacting the database company which holds their contact details as soon as possible; it's also a good idea to contact all vets’ practices in the area and the local animal warden.

We can microchip a whole variety of pets - simply call our team to discuss your pet's eligibility and to obtain more information.

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