The College Chaplain has pastoral care and concern for all in College, students and staff alike, and is available to listen and talk in complete confidence about any concerns members of the College may have.
The chaplain offers independent support and advice to everyone who seeks it, regardless of their religious belief. Information and support can be offered on personal matters, relationships and ethical decision-making, matters of social action and justice, and activity in the University and wider community.
The Chaplain can also provide information about local places of worship for all major faiths. If members of College would like someone to pray with them or would like someone to be prayed for, or would like to explore the possibility of Baptism or Confirmation please contact the Chaplain.
The Chaplain's office (G32, Hobday Building at the Camden campus) is the base for a variety of meetings, services and lunchtime groups, as well as offering a space for refreshment, quiet or conversation.
Prayer and Quiet Rooms are available at both campuses for individual prayer or reflection.
The Chaplain can be contacted on the office line: 020 7468 5145 or via email,
The Chaplain divides time between the RVC (both campuses) and during term time on Thursdays at the UCL Medical School.
If you wish to find out about other University of London chaplaincies available, a full list can be found at .
Prayer and Quiet Rooms
The ÌÇÐÄvlogÊÓƵ offers a Prayer and Quiet Room, 'The Sanctuary', on both Camden and Hawkshead campuses.
Spaces are available for individual prayer and quiet reflection or contemplation to all students and staff at any time of day and night on both campuses. The rooms have simple furnishings with noticeboards where you may find useful information about upcoming events. Students or staff who wish to meet for group fellowship or worship, are asked to contact the Chaplain and book through the RVC room booking system to find an alternative available space.
Camden Sanctuary: Room S1A, 2nd floor, by the main staircase
Hawkshead Sanctuary: Room 6, Advice Centre (Warden's House), 1st floor
Please feel free to display notices giving details of where College personnel may find local places of worship. Please also feel free to display posters advertising religious or other cultural events.
Notices may be removed by the Chaplain if they are deemed to be unacceptable in their content.
Guidelines for the Prayer and Quiet Rooms
Please respect this room by using it only for its intended purpose and observing the following:
- Be sensitive to the customs and needs of others
- Keep noise to a minimum
- Refrain from talking with other users
- Turn off mobile phones
- Do not bring food or drink into the room
- Do not use for private study or other work
- Leave the room tidy when you depart
These guidelines have been agreed by the Principal, the President of the Students' Union and the Human Resources department.
Storage Cupboard for personal items
The Prayer and Quiet Rooms are simply furnished for the use of all. No religious imagery is permanently displayed. Users may, however, use religious items such as prayer-mats, icons, statues, etc., to assist with their devotions.
Staff and students may use the cupboard to store personal effects (such as those mentioned above), when these items are not being used. Any property left here is, of course, stored at its owner's own risk.
Please ensure you remove any personal items when you leave the room, or store them in the cupboard.
The room is overseen by the Chaplain. If you have any comments or feedback you may contact the Chaplain on: 0207 468 5145 or via email:, or in the Chaplain's office in Camden, G32.