Page 14 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029







Page 14 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
P. 14



                             This strategy will be implemented by a new   Our commitment is that, by 2029, we will
                             organisational structure and team for        have:
                             research and innovation that was
                             established during 2022/23.  Overall           Launched the RVC Research Institute
                             responsibility for the strategy lies with the   and established it as a valued and
                             Research & Innovation Committee, chaired        active forum for everyone involved in
                             by the Vice-Principal for Research &            research
                             Innovation. The committee is supported by      Recruited and trained a new
                             two new Research and Innovation Working         generation of RVC Research Fellows
                             Groups, chaired by the Associate Deans
                                                                            Put in place structures necessary
                             for Research and Innovation, respectively.
                                                                             to support clinical researchers,
                             Administrative delivery will be led by the      innovation in practice, and
                             Research & Innovation Offi ce (RIO) working      collaboration among departments
                             with the RVC’s other professional
                                                                            Strengthened our culture of
                             service departments.  RIO has completed
                                                                             entrepreneurship and expanded our
                             the introduction of the RVC’s fi rst research
                                                                             industrial collaborations
                             data management system, which will in
                                                                            Established the independence of the
                             future support operations and reporting.
                                                                             RVC Graduate School, placing it at the
                             A new triennial cycle of review has been
                                                                             centre of our postgraduate students’
                             established for all institutional policies
                             relating to research and innovation.

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