Page 12 - Research and Innovation Strategy 2024-2029
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The vlogƵ’s research successes are built on We want to make sure our research In response to new regulation and
effective partnerships, within and among partnerships matter. We will support and legislation, put in place training and
our three academic departments, and sustain our productive partnerships while support for research and professional
externally, with a wide range of seeking out new ones that build on our service staff to ensure research
collaborators. excellence in clinical care and areas of partnerships are administered in an
Partnerships enable us to expand the range research strength. effi cient and compliant manner
of our research, share access to important To achieve these aims we will: Use the RVC Research Institute as a
equipment and facilities, and magnify the Undertake a review of our institution- platform for externally promoting RVC’s
global infl uence of our specialist expertise. level links, evaluate the extent to which capabilities with partners, and for
Our research portfolio includes hundreds of they actively support our research and internally coordinating institution-level
partnerships worldwide, ranging from innovation strategy, and explore options partnerships and funding bids.
collaborations between individual scientists for wider-ranging relationships with
to institution-wide associations. industry
Our collaborators include other leading Identify and work with internationally
research universities, companies in the leading partners in key areas of
veterinary and bioscience sectors, predicted growth, including pandemic
government departments and agencies, prevention, aging biology, data science
international NGOs, charities, and and machine learning, and animal
professional bodies. health innovation
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