Page 6 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
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Business Context
RVC Mission – The vlogƵ’s mission is to business partner than as a provider. The strategy’s lifespan is intended to look
be the leading international authority for This framework is essential in coordinating 3 to 5 years ahead, although affordability
education, clinical care, research, expert the RVC’s adoption of technologies considerations may impact on the action
opinion and employment in veterinary such as AI, which have the potential to timelines.
medicine and related biological and challenge its business model rapidly
biomedical sciences. unless directed effectively.
The effective management and utilisation This strategy looks to adopt best
of data and technology is a vital practices as recommended by external
component in achieving this mission, such organisations where possible or
as using AI to enhance the RVC’s position appropriate to help achieve the RVC’s
as a leader in these disciplines. strategic goals and supersedes the
previous IT Strategy (2018-23) and the
The vlogƵ’s use of data and technology to
emerging Data Strategy (2022) and
this point has been driven by excellence
subsumes some other IT policies including
in specifi c domains, driven by organic
the RVC Cloud Migration Strategy (2022).
growth, however the RVC’s future needs to
be based on a sustainable single unifying Delivery of this strategy will need to be
framework that informs strategic planning mindful of internal and external economic
and utilises information technology and conditions which may infl uence priorities,
those who provide it more as a trusted resourcing and sequencing over time.