Page 4 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026







Page 4 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 4


                             EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

                                        his strategy aims to combine      to deliver the RVC’s strategic goals.
                                        the RVC’s data and digital        The aim of this document is to establish
                                        technology in a single unifi ed    a unifi ed strategic data and technology
                                        strategy and align them with      platform through which these individual
                             T VC’s business context                      organisational strategies can be delivered.
                                        the R
                             and strategic objectives. It proposes a      This document outlines the business
                             cohesive approach to data and digital        context and proposes the objectives,
                             technology, governance, and management       strategies and actions required for digital
                             across the RVC, through the introduction     transformation at the RVC.
                             of key principles informing how we work
                             with data and digital technology.            Several strategic principles and a
                                                                          governance framework are introduced,
                             To ensure the RVC benefi ts fully from the    with relevant metrics and risks identifi ed.
                             investment in data and digital technologies
                             this will require an RVC wide change in
                             culture and behaviour. This document
                             acknowledges the strategic plans around
                             clinical service delivery, research and
                             innovation, teaching and learning, and the
                             RVC’s commercial business interests, and
                             seeks to provide a supporting framework

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