Page 80 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 80 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
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        As part of your course you will complete at least
        1,800 hours of practical training at a range of
        excellent veterinary practices, giving you a real
        insight into the day-to-day role of the veterinary
        nurse. To ensure fair evaluation, the skills and
        knowledge you acquire will be assessed in
        a variety of ways as the course progresses.
        The combination of the taught aspects of the
        course and the invaluable placement time,
        provides a solid foundation for your career and
        many of our students go on to work as head
        veterinary nurses, educators and researchers.

        We work with the College of Animal Welfare in securing       BEAUMONT SAINSBURY ANIMAL HOSPITAL
        a variety of placement opportunities for our students        “As a 3rd year Vet Nursing Student, I was able to
        and all placements are in RCVS Training Practices.
                                                                     spend 3 months at the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal
                                                                     Hospital in which the staff worked tirelessly to
        Many of our students go on to take up positions in the       ensure I was on target with my Nurse Practice Log,
        practices they have been undertaking placements.
                                                                     and I understood the evidence behind my actions.
        The course has placements integrated throughout,             I worked in many different areas of the hospital
        with placements in Year 1 and Year 2. In Year 3 you          including theatre, anaesthesia, nursing clinics,
        will be on placement from September – May spending           in patient/surgical wards and dispensary.
        one day each week completing the theory module               I would also highly recommend spending time at
        online. During the third year you will be enhancing          the Beaumont for its incredible exotics department.
        your professional skills whilst also learning how to         Their highly skilled team were more than willing to
        undertake audits and knowledge summaries in the              answer every question I could think of (and there
        veterinary practice.
                                                                     were many) about species ranging from reptiles
                                                                     and birds to small mammals. I can now say I have
                                                                     helped ultrasound a snake and train a conure!
                                                                     I will never forget my time at the Beaumont and all
                                                                     that it taught me!”
                                                                     TATIANA RAISSIS
                                                                     BSc Veterinary Nursing

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