Page 75 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 75 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 75

VETERINARY NURSING  COURSES                  BSc Veterinary Nursing

           FdSc Veterinary Nursing


         The FdSc in Veterinary Nursing is delivered over three   Nursing degree route providing you meet the entry
         years and after successful completion, you will be    requirements. The flexibility of our courses means
         able to enter the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons   that if you are enrolled on the FdSc degree, and
         register and work as a qualified veterinary nurse.    attain a merit, you will be offered the opportunity of
         The BSc in Veterinary Nursing is delivered over four   completing the fourth year and gaining a BSc VN.
         years. The first three years are delivered with the FdSc   If you are on the BSc pathway you may decide that
         students so that you gain your professional qualification.   you are keen to get out into the world of work after
         The fourth year is predominantly research, where you   attaining your qualification, in which case you can
         undertake a project of your choice in order to gain the   leave with your FdSc degree and start earning without
         BSc in Veterinary Nursing.  If you are thinking of going   completing the fourth year. For those who leave with a
         into teaching, research, or further master’s level studies   FdSc degree, we also provide opportunities for you to
         then you may want to consider the BSc in Veterinary   undertake further post-registration courses and gain a
                                                               Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Nursing.

        ACCREDITATION                                         YOUR CAREER

        All students on the BSc and FdSc route undertake the    You will be entitled to practise as a Registered Veterinary
        FdSc degree and are awarded this on successful        Nurse as soon as you have passed the requirements of
        completion of the third year to enable them to be registered   the first three years of your degree and registered as
        with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) as   an associate member of the Royal College of Veterinary
        a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) and in the EU by the   Surgeons (RCVS). Our graduates go on to enjoy a
        Accreditation Committee for Veterinary Nursing Education   wide range of careers in the veterinary field, including
        (ACOVENE). These bodies set the standard for the delivery   positions in small animal practices, mixed practices,
        of veterinary nursing education in the United Kingdom and   wild animal environments, and wildlife conservation.
        the European Union. Those on the BSc and students on the
        FdSc who have achieved a merit and wish to transfer to the   The role of the veterinary nurse is wide reaching and
        BSc, will then continue onto a fourth year of study as RVNs.  includes working under the direction of a veterinary
                                                              surgeon, to administer prescribed medications,
                                                              perform diagnostic imaging and undertake
                                                              laboratory tests, prepare patients for a variety of
                                                              surgical and medical procedures and supporting
        As a provider of RCVS accredited veterinary           patients through rehabilitation.
        nursing degrees the RVC complies with the
        RCVS Fitness to Practise Guide for UK Providers
        of  Veterinary Nursing Education and Student
        Veterinary Nurses. To find out more:
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