Page 51 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 51 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 51


        Paula Boyden awarded 2023 WSAVA

        One Health Award

        We extend our congratulations to Paula   honour to be recognised by WSAVA,
        Boyden, BVetMed (1992) who has      and that the link between abuse of
        been awarded the World Small Animal   people and abuse of animals has been
        Veterinary Association (WSAVA) One   highlighted as a one health issue. I am
        Health Award in recognition of her   most grateful to Michael Lappin and
        work to highlight the role of veterinary   Melinda Merck who nominated me for
        teams in spotting signs of animal and   the award, and to my amazing Links
        domestic abuse.                     Group colleagues without whom our
                                            work would not be possible.”
        Paula, who is the Veterinary Director of
        Dogs Trust and also Chair of UK-based   Read more about Paula’s award here:
        charity Links Group, said: “It is a huge

        Jonathan Elliott                                                         Young Farm

        RCVS Fellowship                                                          Vet of

                                            (REF) submissions. Each submission   the Year
                                            saw the RVC significantly increase its
                                            international standing, with 88% of its
                                            research rated as internationally excellent   Congratulations to Emma King
                                            or world class in 2021.              (BVetMed, 2016) who was chosen
                                            Professor Elliott was awarded the Pfizer   as Young Farm Vet of the Year
                                            Academic Award (1998) for his research   in the National Egg and Poultry
                                            contributions to the pathophysiology   Awards. Emma was nominated by
                                            of laminitis and the BSAVA Amoroso   clients and her team and won from
                                            Award (2001); the Petplan Scientific   a shortlist of three. The award was
                                            Award (2005); the European Society   sponsored by Zoetis.
                                            of Nephrology and Urology Award      Emma said: “The nomination meant
                                            (2007); and the BSAVA Woodrow        the most as that came from the
                                            Award (2019), all for his clinical research   people I work with everyday, but
        Jonathan Elliott, Professor of Veterinary   contributions in the area of feline chronic   it was definitely the icing on the
        Clinical Pharmacology, was elected as a   kidney disease.                cake to actually win it.”
        Fellow of the RCVS.
                                            Professor Elliott is a Diplomate of   Emma currently works for the Poultry
        Since 2016, the RCVS Fellowship     the European College of Veterinary   Health Services, as well as sitting on
        has been awarded in recognition of   Pharmacology and Toxicology (ECVPT)   both the APHA Avian Expert Group
        those who have made outstanding     and was President from 2018 to 2021.   and the British Veterinary Poultry
        contributions to the veterinary profession,   He is a member of the International Renal   Association committee.
        veterinary knowledge, and clinical   Interest Society, secretary to the Petplan
        practice. Professor Elliott was awarded   Charitable Trust Scientific Committee   Congratulations Emma!
        the Fellowship for his Meritorious   and is a panel member of the UKRI
        Contributions to the Profession.    Future Leaders Fellowship scheme.
        Jonathan has been an academic at the   He served for eight years as a member
        RVC for 32 years. For 16 of those, he   of the Veterinary Products Committee
        served as Vice Principal for Research   (2001-2009), for six years on BBSRC’s
        and Innovation, taking responsibility   Studentships and Fellowships Panel and
        for the institution’s research strategy   is currently a member of the Animal Plant
        and preparing three consecutive     Health Agency scientific advisory board.
        Research Excellence Framework
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