Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023







Page 46 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 46


          During the RVC’s Graduation, on 12 July at Central Hall Westminster,

          honorary Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degrees were awarded to
          Robin Franklin, Mike Herrtage and Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka.

                                            Professor Franklin                  of Cambridge in 2022 to become a
                                            graduated from the RVC in 1988,     Principal Investigator at Altos Labs’
                                            having obtained a first-class       Cambridge Institute of Science.
                                            intercalated BSc in physiology      Professor Franklin is a Fellow of the
                                            from UCL en route. After a brief    RCVS and of the Royal College of
                                            period as a locum in a mixed-       Pathologists. He is one of a small
                                            practice in Humberside, he moved    number of vets elected a Fellow of the
                                            to the University of Cambridge on a   Academy of Medical Sciences – and
                                            Wellcome Trust doctoral scholarship.   even smaller number elected a Fellow of
                                            He established his own research group   the Royal Society.
                                            in 1995 and obtained a personal chair in   He has been the recipient of number
                                            neuroscience in the University’s School   of prestigious awards, including the
                                            of Biology in 2005. He moved to the   King Faisal Prize for Medicine (the
                                            Clinical (Medical) School in 2014, as   eastern world’s Nobel Prize) becoming
                                            Professor of Stem Cell Medicine at   only the second veterinary graduate to
                                            the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem     win this prize.
                                            Cell Institute. He left the University

                                            Professor Herrtage                  He has received a number of awards
                                            graduated from the University of    from the BSAVA, including the Bourgelat
                                            Liverpool and is now Professor      Award for outstanding international
                                            Emeritus of Small Animal Medicine   contributions to the fields of small animal
                                            at the University of Cambridge      practice or science. He has also received
                                            and a Life Fellow of St Edmund’s    the World Small Animal Veterinary
                                            College, Cambridge.                 Association International Award for
                                                                                Scientific Achievement for outstanding
                                            He was a former Dean of the Cambridge   contributions by a veterinarian. He has
                                            Veterinary School and was in charge   also received the BVA’s Dalrymple-
                                            of the Small Animal Medicine and    Champneys Cup and Medal, for
                                            Diagnostic Imaging services at the   outstanding services to the advancement
                                            Queen’s Veterinary School Hospital.   of veterinary medicine and science, and
                                            His clinical interests span all aspects of   the Queen’s Medal from the RCVS –
                                            small animal medicine and diagnostic   which is the highest honour the RCVS
                                            imaging, but he has a particular interest   can bestow on an individual vet.
                                            in endocrine and metabolic disorders.

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