Page 63 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 63 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 63


        Supporting Ukraine during the war

        Nina Babchuk, (BVetMed 2018)

        Nina Babchuk is an RVC graduate     for the people on the frontline of this war   With momentum rapidly building and
        and second generation Ukrainian.    – items I found that I was familiar with.   donations flooding in, I was kindly put in
        Since graduating she has worked in   Tranexamic acid, haemostatic sponges,   contact with another brilliant like-minded
        independent first opinion veterinary   broad spectrum antibiotics, gauzes   vet, Till Hoermann, who during this
        clinics before undertaking a rotating   and tourniquets. These were items I   time had also organised his own similar
        internship at Willows referral hospital.   knew were easily obtainable and as a   mission. Till had organised his own
        Since then, she has developed genuine   vet also with the RSPCA, my values of   donations and taken them himself to the
        enthusiasm for being a charity vet at   prevention of cruelty to animals was then   Polish-Ukrainian border for use on the
        the RSPCA whilst fueling her passion   not restricted to the domestic veterinary   Ukrainian frontline. Together, with the use
        for ophthalmology by undertaking    animals we usually treat.           of a grain store he acquired, we acted as
        the BSAVA certificate in veterinary   I knew I was not the only one who   a central depot for the vet school hubs
        ophthalmology.                                                          to deliver to. Another massive thanks
                                            wanted to feel like we were doing
        Nina explains the work she is doing to   something positive to help, and   must be given to those lovely veterinary
                                                                                professions who gave up their time to
        support Ukrainians.                 understanding the veterinary profession   help deliver donations to us.
                                            was a profession filled with empathetic,
        As a second generation Ukrainian, the
        feeling on that dreary February day   caring individuals – the next step was   I have extraordinary pride in confirming
        will not be soon forgotten. A mixture   rallying us all to show that we could do   that we have sent five articulated lorries,
        of heartbreak and worry, and the    something! Hence the Facebook group,   and multiple vans full of both veterinary
        feeling of history repeating itself, as   British Veterinary Professionals for   and human transferrable supplies to the
        my grandparents were forced to leave   Ukraine, was formed.             Ukrainian frontline. Unfortunately, the
        Ukraine in the last World War. The   Realising that vets all around the UK   war is not yet over, and I implore you not
        overwhelming emotion, however, was the   were ready and willing to donate and   to forget about Ukraine and continue
        drive to do something to help. It seems   help where they could led to the first   helping where you can. British Veterinary
        the world is becoming aware of this   logistical problem of where to house   Professions for Ukraine are continuing to
        Ukrainian mentality – we’re not ones to   these donations prior to delivery to   accept monetary donations to purchase
        just lay down and succumb but driven to   Ukraine. With veterinary schools being   and deliver the direct requirements for
        stand up for what is good and right.   scattered throughout the country, the   those animals suffering in a war zone.
                                            resolution presented itself and most   Find out more at:
        During this time, I was also a home   schools quickly agreed to be drop off
        euthanasia vet and therefore understood   points for all these donations – huge   Veterinary-Professionals-for-Ukraine
        the “ins and outs” of purchasing    thanks to my alma mater, RVC, for their
        veterinary supplies. A post was shared   immediate support and being the first vet
        on social media of the items in dire need
                                            school on board!

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