Page 60 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022







Page 60 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2022
P. 60

RVC Equine vets attend Tokyo Olympics

          n the summer of 2021, two of RVC
          Equine’s veterinary surgeons, who
          are also RVC alumni, headed to
       ITokyo for the delayed 2020 Olympic
        and Paralympic Games. Nicola Lynch,
        Lecturer in Equine Surgery, attended
        the Olympic Games as the Eventing
        Team Vet for the host nation, whilst
        Nick Hart from the equine ambulatory
        practice was the Dressage Team Vet for
        Ireland during the Paralympic Games.
        In addition to the regular challenges
        of ensuring the horses were in optimal
        condition for an international sporting
        event, further difficulties were created by
        the global coronavirus pandemic, as well
        as the extreme weather conditions.
        Tokyo 2020 was the hottest games
        on record, with temperatures reaching
        34.7°C and humidity levels around
        70%. Preparations for all athletes
        began at home, using strategies such
        as exercising horses in rugs during the
        hottest part of the day – although the
        wet and temperate climate of the English
        and Irish summer meant the efforts were
        somewhat in vain.
        The horses arrived at the Baji Koen
        Equestrian Centre in Tokyo 11 days
        prior to the start of their respective
        events. The equestrian complex had
        a fully operational veterinary clinic,   environment. This also meant the vets   Japan’s newest eventing idol Kazuma
        large, air-conditioned stables, a farrier’s   were put to work early and the road to   Tomoto and his impressive horse Vinci
        forge, multiple indoor and outdoor   competition was far from smooth. Fussy   de la Vigne came tantalisingly close,
        arenas, extensive cooling facilities, and   drinkers, episodes of colic, and a case of   finishing individual fourth.
        even a mini cross-country course to   exertional rhabdomyolysis meant a few   Japan proved an excellent host nation,
        allow the eventing horses some last-  days of sweat and stress for all.    welcoming all visitors despite the
        minute practice.                    Thankfully all horses passed the first   ongoing concerns of the coronavirus
                                            horse inspection; fit and ready for the   pandemic. Both vets had a great time
        The early arrival allowed the horses   competition ahead. Despite some   despite numerous challenges and are
        time to recover from the lengthy plane   excellent performances, neither team   already looking forward to Paris 2024!
        journey, and to settle into their new
                                            finished inside the medals, although

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