Page 70 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 70 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 70

Graduate certificate and Postgraduate certificate in

        Advanced Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN)

        In May this year, the RVC welcomed   •   Progression options for Registered
        a brand-new cohort of students        Veterinary Nurses qualifying from   “ The vlogƵ offers excellent
        onto the Graduate certificate and     all existing level qualifications (from   education, experienced
                                              Level 3 Diploma through to BSc)
        Postgraduate certificate in Advanced                                    lecturers and standard
        Veterinary Nursing (CertAVN).       •   The RCVS accreditation for      facilities. The course is
        These courses are available to        Emergency & Critical Care and
        registered veterinary nurses* to enable   Anaesthesia and Analgesia pathways  accredited by the RCVS and
        them to further their knowledge and   •   Flexible, part-time distance learning  encourages the students to
        skills within a designated pathway of   These certificates are managed   publish their coursework.
        their choice. The courses comprise of   and taught by our wonderful team                           ”
        five modules: contemporary study skills   of leading veterinary nurses and   “ I studied at and currently
        and fundamentals in veterinary nursing,   veterinarians who are recognised
        in addition to three modules specific   by employers both within the UK       work at the RVC - I know
        to the pathway students choose. The   and internationally.                what a fantastic educational
        pathways on offer are Anaesthesia and                                              environment it is.
        Analgesia and Emergency and Critical   The CertAVN offers an exciting                                 ”
                                            opportunity for RVNs of all levels of
        Care. The CertAVN offers RVNs who   experience and education to gain new  “ Friendly staff, good course
        undertake the programme:
                                            professional skills in a flexible and   material, easy to navigate VLE
        •   The ability to specialise in clinical
          patient care and either Emergency   accessible manner. But don’t just take   [virtual learning environment]. ”
          and Critical Care or Anaesthesia   our word for it, here’s what some of our   RVNs interested in undertaking the
          and Analgesia                     current cohort have to say:         course are encouraged to visit our
                                                                                *subject to entry requirements

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