Page 10 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 10 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 10

The ĚÇĐÄvlogĘÓƵ Animal Academy one year on!

          n Eclipse 2020 we wrote about     have joined the events
          the launch of a brand-new online   as guest speakers.
          programme targeted at young people   They’ve been continually
       Ifrom disadvantaged backgrounds –    empowered by our
        the Animal Academy.                 student ambassadors,
                                            who have been on hand
        A year later, after 12 successful online   to answer questions
        events, the Animal Academy has become   and share more about
        so much more than the Outreach Team   their own journeys to
        ever imagined it could be!          university and what it’s
                                            like to be a student at
        The Academy started as a log-in area   the RVC.
        of the RVC website, accessible only
        to young people in school years eight   Running events online
        to thirteen, who meet our widening   has also given us the
        participation criteria. In reaction to the   opportunity to reach
        pandemic and the halt on our in-person   more young people from
        events, we decided to run monthly   across the UK who, due
        online events for members, to provide   to distance, wouldn’t
        information and advice on veterinary   usually get the chance
        careers and applying to the RVC. We’re   to visit the RVC. Not
        so pleased that the Academy is now a   only do they have the
        thriving community of over 350 young   opportunity to engage
        people, all with a passion for veterinary   with us, they also have
        and animal science.                 quickly become a close
                                            community, asking      Map demonstrating the reach across the UK, achieved
        The Outreach Team work to           after each other during   by running the online programme
        support young people who are        the Zoom meetings
        underrepresented at the RVC,        and supporting one                  “I liked being able to interact
        something that has become           another on their journeys to becoming   with other Animal Academy
        increasingly important due to the   RVC students.                       members and getting to hear
        disparity in opportunities and support                                  people’s opinions, and also
        for those from disadvantaged        The feedback from the students      being able to share my own
        backgrounds since the start of the   and their parents has been incredibly   viewpoints.” (Shumaira)
        pandemic. All Academy members       positive. 98% of those that have taken
        meet at least two of our widening   part in the events would like to take part   “Due to this course, I’m learning
        participation criteria, with over 40%   in future events. Of those that said they   so much that going to RVC will
        of the members coming from the      want to study on the Veterinary Gateway   be my main choice. After the
        most deprived areas of the UK or areas   Programme, 100% felt more confident   insights from the Academy, it
        with the lowest participation rates in   about this decision after taking part in   is definitely a good fit for me.”
        higher education.                   the events – and an incredible 96%   (Eleanor)
                                            would like to come to the RVC!
        The events that have run this year                                      If you would like to get involved with the
        have ranged from a day in the life of a   “It was so useful, I absolutely   Animal Academy events, please get in
        veterinary nurse and in-depth look at the  loved listening to all different   touch at and we can
        RVC Gateway programme, to how to    perspectives and taking notes.      put you in touch with the Outreach Team.
        navigate student finance and a debate   I feel so much more supported,
        on the importance of ethics in animal   and I love that I’m supported by
        science. The members have been      people that can help me with
        inspired by our staff and alumni who   my dreams.” (Lola)

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