Page 7 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 7 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 7


        Teaching clinical skills

        during a pandemic

        Fiona Brown, Nicki Coombes, Larissa Campos Aquino, Lyndsay Wade, Emily Hammond –
        the Clinical Skills Centre team

              ockdown came with huge        every one of them with a clinical skills   session 16 times to 30 times, which
              challenges for everyone. For   practical kit (gloves, gowns, microscope   needed some creative thinking to keep
              us in the Clinical Skills Centre   slides etc), posted to their homes. These   it fresh!
       L(CSC), it meant that all our        kits complemented their virtual classes.   We ran ‘catch-up’ sessions in the
        planned practical classes, free access   We were also able to provide additional   labs and built up the confidence of
        ‘drop-ins’ and exams were immediately   support in the form of online discussion   the returning students, with the usual
        impacted. Although, we did have to run   forums and live Q&A meetings.  drop-in sessions proving as popular as
        a nursing OSCE during the height of   February 2021 saw student classes   ever. These, along with rotation group
        the pandemic, which was a challenge!
                                            starting back in the CSC. We had to   practicals and course exams – OSCE’s
        Suddenly we were all working from   ‘COVID-proof’ the whole LIVE building,   and DOPs preparation – meant our
        home, yet we are face-to-face teachers   working out how to manage reduced   logistical skills were tested to the max!
        – how could this work? Well, we made it   student numbers, flow around the   Our sessions are now feeling more
        work and this is how…               building, and PPE provision when it   ‘normal’ but still with smaller groups of
                                            was rarer than toilet rolls! Despite these
        We discovered new ways of working. MS                                   students. Our students have adapted
        Teams helped us to organise ourselves   obstacles, we were able to maintain the   to this new way of learning and have
        and we swiftly learnt how to plan to   approachability we are proud of in the   been an absolute pleasure to teach. We
        support students with an online presence   CSC, and students were delighted that   acknowledge that every single person
        as best we could. Many hours were   practical teaching was able to take place.   has had their own individual personal
        spent by the team upskilling, learning   Students were nervous when they first   struggles during this time and it’s been
        new software and creating online virtual   came into the building; some had never   humbling to see everyone pulling together,
        practical and scenario-based interactive   been on campus, into the CSC, had a   demonstrating resilience and adaptability.
        sessions for students to access.    Welcome Week, mixed with others or   We will also always be immensely proud
                                            made friends.
        With our third year BVetMeds going                                      of how we have risen to this challenge,
        home to every corner of the globe, our   Practical sessions increased in number   learnt new skills, playing to our individual
        usual face-to-face sessions ceased, so   due to social distancing restrictions and   strengths and supporting each other
        we improvised and provided each and   we went from running each practical   during such a challenging time.

        Joint Veterinary Science degree

        with Aberystwyth University

          n last year’s Eclipse, we were pleased to report on
          the partnership between the RVC and Aberystwyth
          University to launch the first ever joint Bachelor of
       IVeterinary Science (BVSc) degree.

        In September this year, Wales’ first School of Veterinary
        Science opened its doors to students for the first time.
        This five-year degree sees students spend two years at
        Aberystwyth University followed by three years’ study at
        our Hawkshead Campus.
        We look forward to welcoming this cohort to the
        Hawkshead Campus in two years’ time – and later,
        into the RVC alumni community.
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