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Exotic and Small Mammals Team Veterinary Team Joanna Hedley ×Close Joanna Hedley Dr Joanna Hedley BVM&S DZooMed(Reptilian) ECZM (Herpetology) MRCVS Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, Camden Vicki Baldrey ×Close Vicki Baldrey Dr Vicki Baldrey BSc(Hons) BVSc DZooMed(Avian) FHEA MRCVS Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery +44 (0)20 7468 5000 Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, Camden Elisabetta Mancinelli ×Close Elisabetta Mancinelli Dr Elisabetta Mancinelli Lecturer in Exotic Species and Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery EMANCINELLI@rvc.ac.uk Nadene Stapleton ×Close Nadene Stapleton Dr Nadene Stapleton BVSC MRCVS Cert AVP (Zoo Med) Veterinary Surgeon (Exotics) 0207 387 8134 Camden Colin Clarke ×Close Colin Clarke Mr Colin Clarke Exotic Animal Resident cclarke3@rvc.ac.uk Hawkshead Nursing Team Sema Assi-Yamagata ×Close Sema Assi-Yamagata Mrs Sema Assi-Yamagata Registered Veterinary Nurse sassi-yamagata@rvc.ac.uk Abigail Edis ×Close Abigail Edis Miss Abigail Edis Veterinary Nurse Exotics aedis@rvc.ac.uk Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital Stephanie Isaac ×Close Stephanie Isaac Miss Stephanie Isaac FdSc Veterinary Nursing Registered Veterinary Nurse stisaac@rvc.ac.uk BSAH, Camden Molly Rogerson ×Close Molly Rogerson Mx Molly Rogerson RVN Registered Veterinary Nurse +44 (0)20 7468 5000 Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital, Camden