This is the second part in the two-part mini-series on corneal ulceration in dogs and cats with who is a lecturer in  here at the RVC. If you haven't listened to  yet it is highly recommended that you listen to that episode first as we dive right back in here in the second part. In this two-part podcast mini-series we start with a refresher of the anatomy of the eye and more specifically the anatomy and function of the cornea. We then discuss causes of corneal pathology and the spectrum of severity in ulcerative keratitis. Examination of the patient and appropriate treatment according to severity are discussed and the podcast mini-series is rounded off with some chat about corneal transplant and a quick tangent on diabetic cataracts!

As always, if you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch (email sjasani@rvc.ac.uk; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page).

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