Tomcats with urethral obstruction are sadly a common small animal emergency population; this problem is one of the 'classics' no doubt, and with the potential to be fatal. Survival rates in the short-term can be extremely high with the right approach to stabilisation and management, medium-to-long term the prognosis can be more guarded. In a slightly roundtable fashion I am joined to discuss this topic by , Lecturer in ; by , Lecturer in  and ; and in absentia by , Lecturer in . And of course I can't help but chip in as well! In this two-part podcast series we discuss a whole host of questions surrounding this disorder including what FLUTD is, approach to the blocked cat, and recommendations following successful intervention. There is a lot to talk about so we have not been able to plunge into the deepest depths in any one area but this is a very useful overview of the topic.

As always, if you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch (email sjasani@rvc.ac.uk; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page).

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