All veterinary students have to undertake extramural studies (EMS) as part of their undergraduate training. How can they go about making the most of these experiences? Many veterinary practices and other organisations offer EMS placements to students. What steps can they take to ensure that not only do students get the most from their placement but also that the practice benefits from having students seeing practice with them? What steps can both parties take to maximise the potential of the EMS experience and ensure that it is as mutually beneficial as possible? These and other things, especially clinical teaching in practice, are what we discuss in this podcast episode for which I am joined by Ruth Serlin and Jane Tomlin. Both Ruth and Jane are very involved in student teaching and development at the RVC and they explain their respective roles further in the podcast.

Anyone potentially interested in becoming an EMS provider, please see further details .

As always, if you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch (email sjasani@rvc.ac.uk; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page).

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