Page 4 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy







Page 4 - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
P. 4


                             OVERVIEW                                                                                                                                                           THE VALUE OF EQUITY, DIVERSITY AND

                                                                                                                                                                                                INCLUSION IN HIGHER EDUCATION

                                        he vlogƵ       Whilst we work within the legislative                                                                                 For a Higher Education (HE) institution        and behaviours; this needs to change. There
                                        (RVC) is a world leading          framework provided by the Equality Act                                                                                to fully realise the benefi ts of a diverse     is an urgent need to take action and the will
                                        veterinary and biomedical         2010 for all organisations, our aim is to                                                                             community it is critical to have an equitable   and commitment of every institution and of
                                        sciences university, with         go beyond our legal statutory duties and                                                                              and inclusive environment where everyone       the wider sector is required.
                             Ta declared mission “to                      integrate EDI into all our operations and                                                                             feels able to participate and achieve their full
                             be a leading international authority in      processes, and in the daily experiences of                                                                            potential.
                             education, clinical care, research, expert   all members of our community.                                                                                         The HE sector, like most of society, faces
                             opinion and employment in veterinary                                                                                                                               numerous challenges of inequalities for both
                             and biomedical sciences”. Our core                                                                                                                                 students and staff. Pay and awarding gaps,
                             values of compassion, professionalism,                                                                                                                             lack of diversity, recruitment and promotion
                             respectfulness, and commitment speak to                                                                                                                            gaps, lack of representation in research and
                             our institutional determination to undertake                                                                                                                       unrepresentative curricula, are some of the
                             our mission in a manner that aspires to                                                                                                                            all-too familiar issues in the sector. The daily
                             the highest standards of behaviour, a                                                                                                                              experiences of students and staff in HE
                             culture that is open and inclusive, and a                                                                                                                          often includes accounts of sexism, racism,
                             full commitment to Equity, Diversity, and                                                                                                                          ableism and other prejudices, both inside
                             Inclusion (EDI).                                                                                                                                                   and outside of their universities. Critically,
                                                                                                                                                                                                EDI is still largely not viewed as core
                                                                                                                                                                                                business when it comes to developing and
                                                                                                                                                                                                implementing institutional policies, values

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