Page 27 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026







Page 27 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 27


                             APPLICATION                                    TECHNOLOGY                                     SERVICE
                             PRINCIPLES                                     PRINCIPLES                                     PRINCIPLES

                              Use commercial off the shelf products         Consolidate management technologies           All services, whether internally or
                                and software as a service wherever            by using platforms rather than systems         externally supplied, will be managed
                                possible                                      to benefi t fully from enterprise scale         according to the same principles and

                              Build internally when there are no valid       applications                                   standards.
                                commercial products are available            Streamline technologies used to reduce        Self-service by design, presenting
                              Only develop applications using                cognitive load and administration              a catalogue of data and technology
                                technologies we can support and              Use universal identity and access              services
                                maintain                                      management technologies for all               Empower staff and students wherever

                              Develop applications to be resilient,          platforms and systems                          possible with data and technology
                                scalable, maintainable and transferable      Use technologies that are security by         Automate repeatable processes to
                              Use Agile methodology for application          design and Cyber Security accredited           improve speed and quality of services
                                development and delivery                     Consistently use current technologies         Collect feedback regularly on service
                              All novel integrations should be                to enable a common skillset for continued     levels for continuous improvement
                                implemented in house or via a managed          support and development                      Report performance levels using
                                service                                                                                      service level agreements and availability

                                                                                                                            Continually seek to improve services by
                                                                                                                             adopting ITIL and Lean principles where

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