Page 21 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026







Page 21 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 21


                        METRICS (metric numbering references each strategy and action number)

                         2.1. Proportion of relevant data    3.1. Percentage of RVC data     future investment required for    6.4. Evidence of external
                          classifi ed over time              catalogued and classifi ed          maintaining or replacing end      certifi cation and audit
                         2.2. Percent of RVC systems      3.2. Simplifi cation of reporting   of life or redundant technology   performance
                          contributing to the RVC data      for statutory reasons (reduction   based on ecosystem roadmaps
                                                                                                                                7.1 Utilisation of metrics
                          platform                          of staff time spent preparing)   4.4. Completed 3-5 year
                                                                                                                                 from TOPdesk and external
                         2.3. Percentage reduction in     3.3. Timely and accurate           roadmaps for all major areas of   technology providers to
                          number of technologies and        production of an auditable         RVC activity
                                                                                                                                 measure service provision and
                          applications in use               inventory
                                                                                             5.1. Improved power effi ciency     effectiveness
                         2.4. Implementation of new       3.4. Percentage of the RVC
                                                                                               of data centre operations        7.2. Recruitment and retention
                          architectural modelling platform  committees actively using
                                                                                             5.2. Improved fi nancial return     of IT and related teams
                         2.5. Establishment of digital     dashboards to inform strategic     on device management and         7.3. Percentage of RVC digital
                          and physical asset inventory      and operational decisions
                                                                                               disposal                          and technology projects
                          and percentage assets
                                                           4.1. Implementation of new       5.3. Internal audit assessment     managed under the same
                          classifi ed and managed
                                                            costing methodology for data                                         methodology
                         2.6. Proportion of compliance                                      6.1. Gartner measures of
                                                            and technology projects                                             7.4. Suite of regular report on
                          training completed                                                   institutional engagement and
                                                           4.2. Implementation of revised                                       entirety of RVC project digital
                                                                                               derived benefi ts
                                                            procurement policies with RVC                                        technology portfolio
                                                            Finance and Procurement          6.2. HESA data maturity           7.5. Ability to report on project
                                                                                               assessment measures
                                                           4.3. Implementation of fi ve-year                                     lifecycle against budget
                                                            forecast model to predict the    6.3. Evidence of completion of
                                                                                               security awareness training

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