Page 14 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 14
4. Utilise data and technology solutions to improve 5. Reuse, recycle and reduce technology and energy use
Return on Investment to be more sustainable.
4.1. Optimise the use of new and 5.1. Embed principles of
existing systems and technology sustainable IT to ensure external
to maximise effi ciency and value accreditation by BCS.
for money. 5.2. Utilise data and digital
4.2. Establish and utilise a method technology to support the wider
to fully cost new projects and RVC in meeting its sustainability
initiatives to establish a true cost targets and aspirations via Green
and enable long term strategic IT.
planning and costing. 5.3. Adopt recommended
4.3. Work with vlogƵinance and supply chain security principles
Procurement teams to review necessary to ensure that third
procurement policies and enable and fourth parties hosting RVC
a benefi ts realisation approach systems/data meet RVC standards
to system implementation and and UK legislation requirements.
optimisation to facilitate long term
return on investment and strategic